Page 60 of Stranded

“Did he rattle you? Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

“I’m fine,” I squeak, finally managing to interrupt Alph as I tap his chest.

He loosens his hold, taking me by the shoulders. “Okay,” he breathes out. “You’re sure?”

“Really.” I giggle softly. “Just… overcome.”

“Overcome?” He looks worried. “How?”

“In my loins,” I grin dizzily at him. “Like a maiden rescued from the dragon by her fair knight?”

Alph’s lips slowly part. He clears his throat.

“Anyway, isn’t your ferry late now?”

“Nobody was here yet,” Alph shakes his head. “And even if they were, it’s always worth a diversion for you.”

I beam up at him, and then I wink and sidle closer. “So. About that overcoming…”

Alph’s cheeks flush deep red. He clears his throat and hastily straightens his jacket. “Well, I… I should, er. Get back to the ferry. You know.”

I know, I know. Now that I’ve reminded him he’s sailing late, he’s going to worry about it.

“But not before you claim a gallant hero’s reward, right?”

Alph stops and stares at me. I bat my lashes at him, and I can actually see the moment his resolve gives in.

He grunts and strides up to me, grabbing me by the hips and hauling me against him. Then he crushes a kiss against my lips and our mouths clash, hot and furious and fast.

“Nnnh!” I whimper. Sparks fly across every inch of my skin. Within seconds, I’m throbbing hard, aching against my jeans. I press closer, and instead of pulling back, his kiss deepens. Heshoves his tongue into my mouth like he’s trying to claim me—and leave a warning to all who come near me.

He slides his hand to the back of my head and tightens his fingers into a fist, tugging at my hair… reminding me of our one perfect night together, and all those nights yet to come.

At last, Alph lets go. I stare up at him, open-mouthed and staggered, as he winks and raises his hand in a wave.

Somehow, when I wasn’t paying attention, he learned to keep up with me… and then some.

“Keep your eyes on the prize,” Alph tells me, his eyes glittering. “I know I am.”

The showcase. Focus on the showcase.

I giggle and nod breathlessly, turning and trotting up the ramp.

When I’m at the top, another thought occurs to me, and I stop and turn to him, but he’s already disappeared around the corner and into the ferry waiting room.

Alph meant thatI’mthe prize!

That’s one decision made. I’m going to walk up to the campus… with a spring in my step.




The evening before the showcase,Ronan’s list of things to freak out about is probably a mile long.

It’s not just that I can’t help because I don’t have the know-how. Much more importantly, I won’t—because I know Ronan’s got this.