Page 31 of Stranded

Ronan’s coming.

My heart rate instantly picks up, and I catch my breath as I sit upright and turn to face the door. He’s not even in the room yet, but I’m dizzy with anticipation.

And isn’t that just a fancy word for wanting?

The door bursts open, and Ronan flies through it.

He’s dressed in an old, faded black T-shirt, and the ripped jeans Felix wore to help repair the family boat. No wonder my brother left them behind... but on Ronan, they lookcool.

Come to think of it, I can’t imagine anything that wouldn’t look cool on him.

“Whoa,” Ronan yelps, skidding to a halt. He looks around, spots us watching him, and blushes. “I really underestimated gravity.”

I burst out laughing as I get to my feet. “I used to do that as a kid, but the door wasn’t there. Please don’t break your nose.”

“Seconded. It’s no fun,” Carter says.

Ronan giggles. “Noted. Am I too late for donuts?”

“Wait a minute, wait a minute. AmItoo late?” I turn to Carter.

He’s pulling a donut box out from a bag under the table. “No. I didn’t want you to eat them all before Ronan showed up.”

“That’s very nice of you,” Ronan beams at him as he bounces toward us.

Just seeing him so happy makesmehappy—and fills me up with restless energy. I stand up quickly. “I’ll get you a coffee.”


“Did you sleep all right?” Carter asks. I can tell he’s dying to figure out what kind of guy caught my eye after all this time.

“Like a rock,” Ronan says, grabbing a donut and pulling it in half. “Mind you, I probably could have slept on the beach after all, I was so tired.”

Carter laughs. “I’m glad you didn’t. I heard it was a rough time.”

“You have no idea.” Ronan launches into the whole story with gusto, surprising even me.

As I pour coffee—and wait for the chance to ask about milk and sugar and cream—I can’t help but grin. It doesn’t surprise me that Carter and Ronan are already getting on like a house on fire, but Carter’s the one who says it first.

“Man, you ought to meet Flick,” he tells Ronan as I slide him the coffee and sit down again. “Felix, that is. My boyfriend, his little brother.”

“Whose clothes you’re wearing,” I add. “But you look better in them.”

Ronan beams at me in a way that makes me feel like there’s sunshine pouring straight into my soul.

“No offence, Ronan, but I’m legally obligated to disagree,” Carter says.

Ronan laughs. “It’s okay. This is too conservative for me anyway. I need cutouts.” I don’t know what that means, and obviously Carter doesn’t either, because Ronan snorts. “Oh, lord. Fine. When I bring my portfolio here, you’ll see.”

I freeze, coffee mug halfway to my lips.

When. He said when, not if.

“Oh yeah?” Carter says. “Alph said you were thinking about moving in.”

I owe him a case of beer for how cool he’s being right now, because I am decidedlynot.

“Thinking about it?” Ronan giggles, shaking his head as he looks at me. “My mind’s made up, honey. Give me a lease and I’ll sign it today.”