I flinch, and just like that, it’s over.
The stranger gulps a breath and lets go of me, grabbing the handrail instead. “Oh, shit.”
I grunt and let go of him, grabbing the rope again with both hands.
All the better to keep myself from touching him again before I even know what I’m doing, what I want… or who I am.
“Oh my god I totally tripped, sorry?—”
“No,” I interrupt him firmly. “It’s my fault, if anything. Jesus.I’mthe one who should be sorry.”
This is literally my job. I’ve never had a passenger trip like that before, and it should never have happened. The only thing stopping me from kicking myself nine ways from Sunday is the fact that it led to…
You know, that thing I can’t think about yet.
The kiss.
“Wanna do me a huge favour? Don’t tell my boss. Or, you know, sue us.” I put all the good humour I can into my voice, so he’ll know that I’m not mad at him. It’s just that my world is still spinning around me.
The stranger’s tiny, breathless laugh is squeaky with surprise—like an out-of-tune bell, but somehow charming.
“Deal?” I toss the rope onto the bow, turning to face him.
He nods as he carefully makes his way to the middle of the boat and sits on a cushioned bench. “We’ll call it even if you give me that ride,” he tells me with a mischievous little grin.
I straighten up and grin at him.
Just like that, I’m back on solid ground.The seas are calm, and the ferry is rocking so gently I barely notice it. My passenger and I are amuchmore professional distance apart. His wish is my command—the only limit is how much fuel I’ve got left in the tank.
“Of course,” I promise. “Where can I take you?”
He doesn’t even miss a beat. “As long as you ask my name, pretty much anywhere. I’ll waive the dinner requirement.”
I burst out laughing, shaking my head as I make my way to the cockpit of the tiny ferry. I’m going to do my best to ignore the innuendo, even if he doesn’t make it easy.
At least he won’t be boring.
“I’m Alph, and I’ll be your skipper today. Er… tonight.”
I turn toward him automatically, tapping my chest so he can see the name embroidered on my T-shirt. I certainly don’t want him thinking I’m an Alfonso.
“Alph,” Ronan repeats, his gaze flicking from my chest back up to my face as he smiles. “Cool. I’m Ronan, but I don’t have it on a T-shirt,” he startles another laugh from me with his good-natured ribbing. “And I left my ID at home, just in case I got busted for lewd acts in public.”
His eyes sparkle with just enough mischief that I actually believe him, which makes it even funnier.
I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as flamboyant or… as fun.
I lean against the inside wall of the cockpit, arms folded as I study him. “It’s okay. Tonight isn’t busy. We can skip the passenger manifest,” I tell him with a wink. “Except for the destination.”
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want our conversation to be over. The only people I click with like this are my brothers—technically my best friends, but we’re as good as family after growing up together on Sunrise.
And, let’s be honest, it’s not the same vibe at all. I definitely don’t kissthem.
“Ah,” Ronan murmurs.
It’s like a clam snapped shut right in front of my eyes. Suddenly, the flirty, sassy, fun Ronan I’ve only just met is hiding away. He’s back to the guy I found teetering on the edge of the dock like a stray, painfully wary yet desperate.