There’s a roll of chain. It was in the living room in a bag.
I remember it. Haven’t found it yet. You need it? I’ll try somewhere else.
Shit. Yes. It could be anywhere. The ferry???
And bolt cutters! Fuck
And can you make it here in 40 minutes? Fuck fuck fuck
I’ll be there.
40 minutes.
I lean on my workstation and breathe out shakily, pressing my phone to my forehead.
“Listen up,” Professor Meyer calls out from the front of the room. She points to a piece of paper on the wall. “The final running order.”
We all put down what we’re doing to rush over, leaning in to squint at the page. Like the rest of my classmates, I scan for my name—and I keep on scanning.
Derek’s standing right at my elbow. “Last,” he mutters to me, and my eyes jump to the bottom to confirm what he’s saying. “So everyone else can leave.”
I won’t let him make me lose my cool again today. I just straighten up, nose crinkling as I step away from him. “So you can take a shower before you watch me beat you.”
Then I blush, glancing sideways at Professor Meyer. I don’t want to sound cocky, after all.
I could swear she’s smiling. She walks down the middle of the aisle, hands folded in front of her as she looks over our models.
“Be ready in time,” she finally says, her glance lingering on my models. She turns to look at me. “Whatever it takes.”
As we rush back to our workstations, Gabby whispers, “Your chain! Where is it?” I shrug, and she winces. “I’ve got some extra stuff…”
I shake my head. “It’s okay. Thanks. Alph’s on his way.”
Gabby bites her lip. I’ve only told her a little bit of what happened, in whispers. “Yeah? You sure?”
“Alph won’t leave me stranded.”
She nods and strides off to keep on working, and I sink onto my chair and run my hands through my hair.
I have to believe that.
I just have to.
Just as I’m starting to sweat, I hear a familiar grunt.
I spin on my heel, and relief hits me hard. Despite everything, the sight of him sweating and hauling a box over to my workstation…
It makes my heart soar.