I’m full,happy, and totally smitten.
I don’t even mind that Kieran’s way of reserving a table was to swap out the basket of condiments for a vase of fresh roses and a scrap of paper that reads,RESERVED: LOVERS.
It made for a nice backdrop in my update selfie, sent to my classmates’ WhatsApp group chat the minute we arrived. Ihadto—after all, I’ve spent the last three weeks talking their ears off about this date.
“My phone is going to blow up when I turn it back on…” I trail off, blushing. I glance sheepishly at Alph across the half-eaten dessert brownie. “Oops. In fairness, I didn’tsayit was about the showcase.”
I’m amazed I’ve made it this long without breaking any of my conversation rules. It was inevitable I’d slip up sooner or later.
Alph just grins. “It’s okay. Besides, we don’t have long before we have to go, so?—”
“Shit. What?”
I press and hold the button on my phone. I’m too impatient to wait for it to turn on, so I grab Alph’s wrist, trying to look at his watch upside-down.
For weeks, Professor Meyer has made it clear that setup is at 3:30, and not a minute later. This is the one day that not even the Terrible Trio will get away with sauntering in late.
“It’s a quarter to two,” Alph tells me, smiling. “Relax. I’ve been keeping an eye out.”
“Oh my god,” I sigh, clutching my chest. “You scared me. Aren’t we taking the three o’clock ferry?”
“Sorry, sorry.” Alph holds up his hands and laugh. “I was just thinking we could do the ferry at two instead…” he trails off as my phone buzzes like it’s trying to leap into the ocean.
Mostly notifications from our WhatsApp class group, ranging from good luck wishes to blind panic, and offers of help once we get to the venue. And, of course, reactions to the photo of me and Alph, with the roses prominently in the background.
No messages at all from any of my ex-roomies. They couldn’t make it more obvious that they think they’re above the rest of us.
When I squint at Alph, he’s still waiting for my answer… and he definitely looks like he’s up to something. “An hour early? Why?”
Alph widens his eyes and tries to look innocent, which just makes him look ten times as adorable but half as innocent. “Just in case?”
“In case of a traffic jam… between here and the harbourfront theatre right there?” I point at it across the water, and Alph looks even guiltier. Finally, I relent with a laugh. “Okay. But they probably won’t let us in. And I’ll have my suitcases.”
“That’s why I’m taking you to the coffee shop next door.”
Icoulduse more coffee before tonight…
It must have been three in the morning by the time everything was packed into my two big, yellow suitcases.
“Okay,” I agree, standing up. “Let’s pay.”
Alph scoffs and waves a hand. “Already done,” he tells me, even though he hasn’t stood up from the table. I assume he’s talked to Kieran in advance. I even have suspicions that the roses are his doing, too… but I won’t call him out on it.
He really is being the world’s greatest boyfriend. Or… boyfriend-to-be.
“Thank you,” I tell him, and we slip out before anyone can see us and try to start a conversation.
For now, I still want it to be just him and me.
Knowing that Alph was dozing off in my bed last night, just waiting for me to join him—it lit a hell of a fire under my ass.
By the time I joined him, I barely remember closing my eyes. I woke up to breakfast in bed, and then we cuddled for a while as I made mental checklist.
If this is what our future together will be like? I can’t freaking wait.
There’s only one thing left to do: head home to grab my packed suitcases, and then get back in time for the ferry.