“Alph,” I breathe out as I pick up my coffee.
I’m suddenly grinning, almost forgetting all about the stress awaiting me today—and every day, for weeks to come.
Gravel crunches on the driveway. I head to the front window, where I can watch Alph backing up the golf cart to the road. He hops out to close the driveway gate, and my grin gets even bigger.
He’s dressed for work, in his old sailor jeans and his tight little ferry sweater, with a rain jacket tied around his shoulders. He’s walking with that particular rolling gait that’s always accompanied by a cheerful whistle.
I pull the curtains open, waving an arm over my head to catch Alph’s attention. He stops next to the golf cart and looks up at me, shielding his eyes. He’s got thateverything okay?look on his face.
Before he can come back inside, though, I just smile and wave at him, holding up the coffee mug.
Alph grins back at me. He raises one hand to his lips to blow a kiss at me.
Oh my god.
My heart is melting. I giggle and pretend to catch it, carefully pressing it to my cheek. Then I blow a kiss right back at him.
Alph’s head snaps back. He watches the invisible kiss like a baseball flying toward him, jogging backward.
I’m laughing in great big snorts now, hastily setting the mug on the windowsill so I don’t spill coffee everywhere. “What a dork.”
Alph finally leaps for it, just manages to catch it, and wipes a hand across his forehead before tucking my kiss safely in his breast pocket. Then he winks and jogs forward to get into the golf cart, and he’s off for the day.
I breathe out a sigh as I let the curtain fall back into place, bringing my coffee back to the machine.
I’ve been surprised how good this feels. I thought it would ache 24/7… but it’s been the opposite. It’s not like we’re an ocean apart—just one flight of stairs.
Just last night when I was working late, Alph came upstairs and sat quietly in the corner armchair to read. He didn’t say a word, just kept me company as I worked, and it made my heart soar.
Andhe kissed me good night.
I’m grinning stupidly again, pressing the tips of my fingers against my lips to recall the taste and the gentle warmth of his mouth.
“Okay,” I say out loud. Hot bagel in hand, it’s time to face my sewing machine and start my day.
No more compromising, no more offering up only the parts of myself that I think I can persuade someone to want. Alph’s willing to wait… as long as I give him all I’ve got.
And at long last, that’s exactly what I’m doing.
“Takeit slow in the corners, Ronan. Slower than that. Slower—!” Too late. I grab the bar behind our heads, shifting my weight toward the centre of the golf cart. “Whoa…!”
It’s nothing compared to Ronan’s screech. “Eeeeeyaaaa?—”
We hurtle around the corner, gravel flies… and we make it.
Ronan takes his foot off the gas. He’s still clutching the steering wheel for dear life as we slow to a rolling halt. “Oops.”
“Phew,” I breathe out, letting go of the bar to clutch my chest instead. “Hey, it’s okay. We’re still on four wheels. You’re getting better… on the whole.”
Problem is, the more confident Ronan is, the faster he wants to go. It’s very on-brand of him.
Ronan ducks his head sheepishly. “Yeah. Maybe you should drive?”