Page 5 of Stranded

like your career

“As if,” I snort, my cheeks flushed with fury. I’d rather get eaten by bears than beg for their help.

I block the profile, close the app, and stare down the challenge on my screen.

Delete this app and all its data?

“Fuck, yes.” I tap my screen to do it. Then, I shove my phone in my pocket as I walk down to the beach to look around for anyone I could call for help.

Whatever lies ahead, I’ll find a way through—all by myself.

I’ve never been so scared. But there’s something fresh and clear about the anger simmering in my veins. I haven’t felt this way since the family dinner. Hell, since the end of the last semester.

I feel… hopeful.




I’ve always had a prettysolid gut instinct, but it’s usually busy sending me weirdly specific warnings.

Hey, dumbass, are you actually going to move to Alberta because you’re trying to convince yourself that you’re in love? How’s that gonna work out for you?

Making good life decisions has been a nice change, and it all started when I moved back to Sunrise Island two months ago.

Now my instinct gets to tell megoodstuff sometimes. Right now, I have the feeling that a walk home along the beach is exactly what I need.

I’m one of the skippers of the public ferry. It’s the end of my shift, and the sun is already setting. If I hurry, I’ll get the best view ever—the perfect end to the perfect day.

There’s only one factor I can’t control: my boss, Berty, and his motor mouth.

As I step into the island’s only restaurant, the bartender flutters his fingers in a greeting wave. “Back from your travels?” Kieran grins. “Did they take you anywhere exciting?”

“Sure. Right here to you.”

I don’t really mind the flirtation; we both know it doesn’t mean anything. I’m straight, and he isn’t actually interested. But it’s nice to end the work day by laughing.

Kieran swoons against the bar top, propping his chin on his hands. “Oh!” he flutters his lashes at me. “Prince Charming has arrived! Are you here to rescue me from a life of cleaning and drudgery?”

I wink at him and slide the boat keys across the counter. “Sorry, man. My heart’s already taken—by the sexy little piece of lasagna in my fridge.”

Kieran heaves a big sigh and straightens up to put the keys back on the hook. “Damn. Worth a try.”

I reach over the bar and clap him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’ll send any and all poor unsuspecting princes to try on the glass slipper.”

Kieran holds up a finger. “Rich unsuspecting princes,” he tells me. “And that’s not how the story goes. The prince doesn’t wear the slipper, I do.”

“Don’t be so closed-minded. It’s a modern world,” I tell him, and he sputters at me. “Hey, is Berty around?”

He clicks his tongue and jerks a thumb over his shoulder. “In the kitchen, wise guy. Want me to call him?”

Now,that’sgiving as good as he gets.

“God, no.”Shit. That was a little fast, wasn’t it?“Uh…” I cough sheepishly into my fist. “I mean, nah. That’s fine.”

Kieran snorts with laughter. He’s not from Sunrise Island—his thick Irish accent makes that much obvious—and he’s only worked here for a couple weeks.