Page 23 of Stranded

“It’s the final year of my degree. This semester, we’re developing our first solo mini-collections. There’s a runway showcase in December to decide who gets the best work experience placements. I could end up sweeping floors… or I could work for XX Gracieux,” I sigh dreamily.

Alph smiles at me. “There’s a reason Sunrise has lots of artists. You’ll find all the inspiration you need here. You’re going to be top of the class, I just know it.”

My stomach lurches. Alph’s smile is only making things worse, because I don’t feel like I deserve his confidence in me.

“Before you say that…”


I sigh. “So… I’m the youngest of three boys. Our parents are accountants who started their own firm. They paid for us all togo to school. My brothers studied accounting, and now they’re working at the family business.”

Alph whistles under his breath. “Jesus. Your family must live and breathe spreadsheets.”

I crack up, because it’s true. “You have no idea. Road trips, ball games, Tooth Fairy visits… everything has to make sense to the database.” Ouch. My smile fades as I sneak a look up at him. “And… that’s kind of the problem.”

Alph is watching me with a look of understanding. He nods, his arm tightening around my shoulders. “You don’t fit into a database, and that’s okay.”

“Yeah. But it’s more than that. They didn’t mind me studying fashion design. But…” My gut twists in knots. “Remember I said my grades were getting bad? They gave me an ultimatum this week. If the showcase doesn’t go well…”

I can’t bring myself to say it. I grimace, making a chopping motion with one hand.

Alph comes to a halt, his arm still around my shoulders as he raises his eyebrow. “Beheading? That’s awfully medieval.”

It’s so unexpected—and hilarious—that I burst out laughing until I’m almost crying, clinging to Alph’s shoulder to stay upright.

“Sorry,” Alph says, dropping his arm from my shoulders as we set off again. “It’s serious, I know.”

“Don’t be sorry. Thank you.” Another giggle slips out as I shake my head. After spending a week feeling like shit, I can’t believe he’s found a way to make me laugh about it.

Everything feels a little more manageable now.

Alph mentioned he had a brother, didn’t he? He must be the big brother. It’s something my brothers would do… except Alph manages to be funny, whereas Garrett and Reid just try their hardest to annoy me.

“You were saying?” Alph asks.

“Basically, if I don’t pull my grades up this term, they won’t pay for my final term. Three years down the drain.”

“That’s stressful. But, look. You’re not in the same place you were last year, right?”

I chew my lip around. Will that be enough?

“You’re going to do fine,” Alph tells me with so much confidence that I just about believe him. “One thing at at a time. Speaking of which…” he gestures toward the house coming up on our left. “This is it.”

“Ohhh,” I breathe out with a grin. “That’s so cute! Not at all a horror house.”

Alph huffs with laughter as he opens the little white front gate and holds it for me. “Thank you, I think.”

We walk up the path toward the small family home, painted a bright cornflower blue. The front yard is full of neatly tended flowerbeds and a little patch of lawn.

“Come on up. This half would be yours,” Alph says as he reaches the front steps of the porch. He points to the stepping stone path that winds around the side of the house. “I’m in the apartment downstairs. The entrance is in the back.”

“Famously,” I murmur with a wicked grin.

Alph’s totally trying to pretend he didn’t hear me, but he can’t stop the amused snort as I trot up the stairs after him.

He pushes open the front door without even unlocking it, and I swallow back my lecture for now.

I just can’t believe this might be mine.