It’s a new brand, but they’ve poached some serious talent from household names. They’re edgy, modern, eye-catching—like punk meets runway, but dripping with sex appeal.
I’d kill to get a placement there… and so would my whole class.
Only one of us will get that offer. Some of us will get decent placements… but for those of us at the bottom of the class, it’ll be a few long months of sweeping floors. Wherever Professor Meyer thinks we’ll fit in best.
Based on my grades right now, I might as well start warming up my sweeping muscles.
The mainland slowly shrinks behind us, until we’re passing Sunrise Island. Some of the island’s residents wave to us from their back porches or the beach, and I can’t help a smile as I join the other passengers and wave back.
But my gaze is fixed on the other island of the pair—Maple. The whole island is a park, so apart from the visitor centre, museum building, cafe, and campground, there’s just forests and beaches.
I can smell barbecues, though I can’t tell if it’s coming from Sunrise or Maple. Is one of those scents my dinner tonight?
My stomach grumbles, and I bite back a grin as I turn my face into the breeze, shrugging off the cold as anticipation builds in my chest.
I pull out my phone again to reread my favourite part of the conversation with my date—a profile namedIslandHeat.
Wow. Not a lot of guys in your industry are this smart, hot, and single.
I don’t want to wait to meet you.
Can I treat you to dinner tonight? Please?
Wow okay thanks um
Haha assuming you aren’t being sarcastic
But you said you’re camping??
Will you come join me? Campfire dinner, wine on the beach, and stargazing while you tell me all about the artistic dreams you want to make come true.
And then we can fuck all night.
(But quietly. Respecting my camping neighbours.)
(Okay, respect is optional and may be thrown out the window)
Are you there?
Are you serious?? I don’t even know you.
Phew. But you’ll only get to know me by saying yes.
OK. I’ll come.
OMG I can’t believe you said yes! Are you really coming?
Really really. Maybe our dreams can come true...
Mine already have.
As the ferry bumps the dock, I quickly scroll down to the bottom. No new messages, so I thumb-peck one of my own.
I’m here. Where are you?
Then I pocket my phone, my nostrils full of the smell of seaweed and diesel and trees.