Page 55 of Knot Their Omega

Intimacy is something we both seem to thrive on. Enough that we’re able to tame our Alpha desires and needs with the simplistic things. It’s a bit of a blessing in our predicament.

We’re not like Icarus or Nate, who needs sexual intimacy to get them off their high.

Despite how little we need, it doesn’t make this any less tricky for either of us. I don’t remember when or why we started relying on one another for intimate and sexual release.

It had to be a night we were both wasted after one of many horrifying meets with twenty-plus Omegas and not finding a single match. The frustration and not being able to have your cock in the depths of an Omega pussy when you need to rut had to have pushed us to improvise.

To be fair, it’s not like I don’t enjoy these moments of lust. I enjoy them a lot more than I’d ever admit.Not like anyone takes my word seriously these days.

I’m certain Kai would never verbally confess how he thrives for these moments between us, either.

Kai’s not a talker to begin with. He observes and takes action. Talking is just a waste of time for him.

Unless he’s needy right now.

“You could admit you miss me, asshole,” I mutter against his lips the moment we take a chance to breathe.Because fuck, Kai kisses as if neither of us needs oxygen to breathe.“Did you come here just to see if I was good?”

“Yeah,” he mutters, though his attention is on my lips. It makes me chuckle as I lean further away to admire the flicker of hunger in his eyes.

“You sure?” I don’t hesitate to pull my shirt off now that I have his undivided attention. That only further scales with how his dark eyes lower to admire my chiseled body.

You’ll never see me in a gym, but I keep this body taken care of in the physique department. It takes tons of stamina to be a drummer. The core strength alone matched the arm strength, keeping my biceps built and my six-pack in check.

That and occasional fuckery with this asshole in the bedroom.

“Mhmm.” I bet he didn’t even listen to what I said. His eyes trail down my chest, admiring the glistening muscles and how my shorts dip low enough to show my V-lines.

I always low-ride them so it’s easier to sit for long periods, but now it looks like the perfect taunting trick for my packmate. Just seeing how interested he is makes my cock twitch with expectation.

It’s not too early to fuck, but do I want everyone in my building to hear Kai tear my cheeks apart and fuck me silly?

God, I don’t care.

The soft melody of a phone goes off, breaking the lustful spell thrumming between us. I’d be lying if I pretended there wasn’t a hint of disappointment at the familiar ringtone, but I know there’s no way of ignoring it.

“Yours?” Kai ends up saying, prompting me to look at my pocket.

My phone was on silent, but work calls always ring on this phone. My second private phone, which is only for the pack, is in the bedroom charging.

“Yeah. Work phone,” I groan and race to pick it up. “Fuck, Alec. What do you want? I’m trying to get my cheeks slapped.”

That gets a slight smirk from my Japanese billionaire. He lowers the bottle over to my left, where a clear table resides with some music shit and other important lyric shit for the band.

“Uh…” Alec sounds completely taken aback by my statement. Enough for me to groan and lean my head back in agony.

“Just speak, Alec. What do you need from me so early in the morning? I swear I ain’t on tour bus duty, and if this has something to do with changing the name, again, we ain’t doing it. I like Knotless Sadistic’s just nicely.”

“You’re not going with that name,” Alec groans in dismay.

“Whatever,” I brush it off, though my eyes notice how Kai pulls up a stool and positions himself behind me. Guess he’d want to sit in front of me, but my whole ass drum set is in the way. “What do you need?”

“Well, I think you should go check on Nate for me.”

“Why would I do that?” I question and decide to put the phone on speaker. If Alec is bringing up Nate, then this is more pack business than it is band stuff that deals with NDAs and shit.

Leaning over to place the phone on the clear table, I grab the water bottle next to it. I almost drop it when Kai’s hands grip my waist, the touch alone driving my inside wild. I pausemy movement to look over my shoulder at him, but he’s as calm as ever, meeting my gaze with his eyes that are filled with confidence. He knows what he’s doing and is being intentional.

He’s also observing whether I want this right now.