“Dad?” her voice quivers with sadness, which makes it obvious she’d been crying.
“Baby girl?” The growl in the Alpha’s voice shifts entirely. The threatening depths are nonexistent, as if his whole demeanor has wholly softened. “Hey, my little star.”
“Hey, Dad,” she struggles to greet him, already fighting tears. “Mom… Mom… she’s… going to sell me away.”
“She. Is. Not,” he declares immediately. We can hear rumbling in the background. “Are you safe?”
“Yes,” she whispers. “I’m on a tour with Nathaníel and a few other Alphas in the band.” She swallows the lump in her throat while working on wiping away the tears of relief running down her flushed cheeks. “I read the text messages… and didn’t know what to do. Mom… always gets what she wants, even if it hurts me in the process.”
“Baby girl… do you believe that?” her dad sounds heartbroken.
“She sent you guys away. Banished you like you guys weren’t important outside of money, and look what that did? That put you eons away from me. Left me to defend on my own in life. I’ve had to face survival all on my own because of her decisions and actions. Or else you’d be right here when I need you.”
Her dad can’t gather the words to fight against the truth in hers.
I take that as the sign to end this call.
Pulling the phone away, my hand is already cupping Astraea’s cheek, my thumb wiping away the tear that escapes her glassy eyes. Her gaze is on me as I turn the speaker off and press the phone to my ear.
“So, now my pack and I are going to step in to ensure whatever foolishness your Omega is trying to plot against her child doesn’t prosper,” I boldly declare. “This is your chance to fix this shit before anyone gets hurt.”
“You like to spew threats, boy,” he growls.
“No. I like to prevent catastrophes,” I sternly declare before daring to admit something I haven’t revealed in a long time. “You know my youngest sister was murdered? She wasn’t a chosen target for some killer menace with a body count. She hadn’t been a horrible person in this dangerous world, at the wrong place and time. Nope. She was simply an Omega. Just like your daughter.”
I can’t help but stare into Astraea’s eyes as she realizes what I’m revealing.
“The day came when my youngest brother was given the opportunity to become famous. The chance to catapult into this industry that has never had favorites for long. This luck would help him go on a two-year journey of building a band to which they would become a global sensation. However, there was a catch. There’s always a catch,” I reveal. “He needed funds that would be used for the initial blowup. Tons of money that we’ve never seen hit our bank accounts as the normal American family. So, what would be best to help him in achieving his goal?”
I can see the threads of realization begin to form on Astraea’s face, the depths of horror blooming in those blue eyes of hers.
“Sell my sister to the highest bidding pack,” I confess. “So, behind our backs, he did exactly that. Going far and wide until he found the highest bidder. The moment he arranged things, he made my parents believe the pack was genuinely interested in my sister and there was no hidden agenda. It wasn’t until official documents were signed and our sister was taken to her new pack’s home did I began to realize the layers of deception caused by my little brother’s desperation for fame.”
I don’t realize the tear that’s running down my face until Astraea brushes it away.
“Then it happened. Only a few short weeks. While my little brother rode the waves of popularity and soaring charts, using my sample audition voice to trend the charts of the musicindustry, our baby sister was raped, abused, and beaten… day in and out. She was a prisoner in her own home until she escaped, barely breathing, while the place that should have been called home burned up in flames.”
I struggle to say the next bit, recalling everything that went down.
“By the time we got there, it was too late. My little sis could barely get words out, but I promised I’d take care of everything behind. That I’d be merciful enough to protect the boy who was too obsessed with his own success that the sacrifices were nothing but miscalculations,” I whisper.
“My sister died in my arms that day, after weeks of brutal torture, and the root of her agony was more focused on selling records and creating a band that would be loyal to him long enough to get what he thought he’d earned.”
He listens quietly on the line, and I’m sure the rest of his pack is present as well.
“Now, I have parents so mentally shocked that they pretend our sister never perished. So fucked up by the truth that they rather live in a lie and blame the eldest for trying to hurt their feelings. Then there’s the culprit of it all, living his dream and having the power to make it impossible for me to get a job in the country I was born in.” Saying it out loud makes me lowly chuckle as I shake my head. “Murderers don’t deserve opportunities. Yet, he forgot he wasn’t looking into a fucking mirror. He was looking at his older brother.”
“Nathaníel…” Astraea’s voice is full of dread. “Nate… got your sister killed…and you can’t do anything?” She seems so baffled by it all, but I can see the hint of understanding in her gaze.
She gets this industry.
“When you’re a trending new star, making millions in the grand scheme of it all, suddenly, a lot of people rely on you. Companies. Workers. Full salaries and wages depend on yourtrending success,” I whisper. “Family doesn’t matter when you can just send them out of America and pretend they no longer exist.”
“You took the blame…” Astraea quietly whispers. “And Nate painted you like a villain for your sister’s death when he arranged it all?”
My Sweet Rebel is a quick one.
“What’s the best way of getting out of a situation where you’ll lose everything?” I offer to her in return, knowing her dad is overhearing our words. “Shift the blame. What better way to do that than by throwing it on the eldest twin brother and exiling him eons away so my existence doesn’t disturb his.” I smile at that.