How can I do that as an Omega in this maddening world that sees us as nothing but garbage?
“Dammit, Rebel!” Pain shoots from my bottom lip, forcing me to look forward at the source of my stinging agony. It’s only for a second, as lips press firmly against mine, forcing a wave of warmth and pleasure to twinkle through me like a rush of cold water waking me up from slumber.
Whatever haze of despair that took over me loses its clutches as I realize I’m in Nathaníel’s arms, facing him while we’re clearly on the floor in the middle of the hall.
It takes me a second to realize tears are streaming down my face, and when he breaks the kiss and pulls back, my lip trembles.
“Talk to me, Omega,” he urges. “Tell your Alpha what’s wrong.”
“I… I have no power,” I whimper as my tears well in my eyes once more. I’m forced to acknowledge how frightened I am. How defeated I feel when your blood is doing everything to make you into a tool that benefits their needs and not yours. “Mom… Mom is going… to marry me off.”
His eyes widen in surprise as he watches my whole body tremble.
“I-I-If I go back, she’s going to force me to marry a pack. They need… need the contract for their businesses. It will benefit my Mom. It has to benefit her with money to buy her stupid bags and go on her vacations and to be able to show the world she’s better than everyone else!” I sob and shake my head before lifting my hands to pat my chest. “B-But what about me?! What about my future? What about my happiness?! Why does no one care about me?!”
I sob harder, my shoulders lifting and falling.
“I’m not poor. I’ve built a foundation for myself that I don’t have the fucking courage to yell at the top of the rooftops and take pride in. All because I was born as an Omega?! All because of hormones and having a pussy!”
I punch out at him as if his chest is a punching bag. I don’t mean to do it, yet I can’t stop.
“If I was a male with a cock, everyone would bow down to me. I’d have loads of friends and connections. My family wouldn’t be a broken mess because maybe my Mom would control her spending addiction if I was an Alpha. I’d be able to choose who the fuck I want to marry. Who the hell would be in my pack. For once in my life I’d have stability and get to proudly boast about my multi-million-dollar career that allows me to do whatever I desire!”
There’s so much anger laced in my sobbing voice.
Nathaníel doesn’t deserve any of it, yet he’s the only one in the path of my scorn who will listen to me.
“But look at me. Pathetic Omega with millions hidden in banks, so no one can fraud or take all the hard money earned for being a masked pen name that’s successful because everyone assumes I’m a mastermind Alpha. Here I am, crying my eyes out because I can’t fight my selfish, egoistic, narcissistic mother! I never have the guts to call my Dad and tell him everything isn’t okay, and now the band isn’t doing well, and we may not go on tour after all because I’m here and probably interfering with it all.”
“Astraea,” Nathaníel pleads with me, but I keep punching him.
“Don’t lie! Don’t try to act like I’m not some sort of thorn in the band’s side. Even though I can try to help by getting studios booked behind the scenes or giving the impression that I’ll be in a certain town, so you guys are treated better, it doesn’t stop the lingering truth that I’m interfering simply by being an Omega. That my scent is probably intoxicating to the other band members, and that’s why they want out.”
“Studios behind the scenes,” he whispers. “This studio was booked by Blair Vesper, but he didn’t sho?—”
“I’M BLAIR!” I snap at him with boiling rage. He’s taken aback by it, but he doesn’t move his spot. “It’s ME! Blair Vesper! Multi-millionaire lyricist who can’t even show who the fuck SHE is because our society sucks!”
The silence that drifts within the space after my words is deafening, but the truth has been revealed, and honestly, I could give a shit if it ruins my future. If my career is going down the drain from this instance.
Cause none of that matters.
My life isn’t in my own hands to control.
It never was.
That’s the life of an Omega.
End The Chivilary
How familiar those eyes look now that they’re heightened with burning rage.
They portray a layer of anger that stems from the constant cycle of uncertainty and disappointment. It’s so easy to see it all, to grasp the level of emotions running through her in this heightened moment of despair.