Page 74 of Knot Their Omega

Kai kept me company while Icarus offered to survey the area to ensure it was ‘safe’ for me to return here. Clearly, from the looks of things—and now potential lockdown—that may not be the case.

“I’ll have to if we want the government’s protection at this point. By not locking down, I’m projecting a message that whatever is currently happening isn’t threatening enough for us to be concerned. Locking down would give the remaining Omegas safety and will force the government to acknowledge what’s happening across the nation,” Velvet reveals.

“So, this is happening everywhere right now?” I suggest, trying to envision the mere idea.

“I’ve called ten other Havens, and all of them have been struck multiple times this morning. A few have had bomb threats. I don’t need us to make it on the news, saying there are no survivors.” She shakes her head. “I’m going to place everything on lockdown.”

“Um…” I nervously bite my lip, trying to figure out what the hell I’m going to do.

“Can you give us fifteen minutes?” Kai suggests. “I know this is urgent, but if things lock down, we can’t leave, can we?”

“No,” she admits, her worried eyes lingering on me. “Are you going to stay?”

“I’m not sure,” I confess. “Where’s Kamari?”

“She called to tell me she’s safe but is in lockdown at an establishment since there was a shooting,” Velvet reveals and pinches her nose. “Ugh. The amount of violence that has ignited in less than twenty-four hours is insane.”

“Velvet?” A glance over to our right reveals a shaken-up Beta with teary eyes.

“Don’t tell me there’s been another one?” Velvet huffs, knowing she’s answering her own question. She looks back at me. “I’ll come back here before we go on lockdown. Gather what you need ‘cause I’m not sure how long we’ll have to keep it this way.”

“Understood,” I assure her and try not to look as nervous as I feel.

She doesn’t seem satisfied with my response because she sighs and moves in to give me a tight hug.

“You’re not going to be forced to go back to your mom’s. If you don’t want to stay here, I have a few options. You’ll have your independence just fine. Okay?”

I hug her back just as tightly, pretending as if my body isn’t trembling at the mere idea of returning to that negative space my mom would dare call a “home.”

The only problem is our government gets the final say.

They don’t want us Omegas living independently. They’re going to instill the importance of having a pack to keep us “sane” during our Heats. If we’re not being beneficial in that sense and making babies, we’re useless.

“I’ll be back,” Velvet assures us before rushing with the Beta down the hall.

It’s not until she’s gone that the weight of everything sinks into the depths of my stomach.

“I guess… let me pack a few things while we wait,” I offer more to myself than Kai. Glancing over at him, I watch as he nods in approval before following me down the other side of the hall to our little apartment.

When we reach the door, I notice his intrigue as he looks at the camera device.

“Is this new?” I’m surprised he even asked, seeing as everyone gives off this impression Kai doesn’t talk. From first impressions, yes, he’s very quiet, but he’s not a complete mute.

“It is,” I reveal. “Got chosen for some trial or something. Guess with everything happening, I’m glad I have it… but I’m not sure I want to stay here.”

Opening the door and gesturing for Kai to enter, I quickly close and lock it before scanning my space. Everything is clean and in one piece, but acknowledging I may have to stay in this space for who knows how long by myself is giving me anxiety.

Taking a deep breath, I realize it’s too quiet.

“Ember? Blaze?” I’m already searching for where they may be. I’m positive they’re hiding somewhere because those two despise the alarm sound. We experienced it on a daily during the last lockdown, and whenever the blaring ringing came on the speaker, they went to their favorite hiding place.

The bathtub.

Sure enough, the pull of the shower curtain reveals my two pups snuggled against one another.

The mere sight of me ignites their loving expressions as their tongues come out, and they yap up a storm in their howling language. A giggle of relief leaves me as I kneel down and hug them together before rubbing their fluffy coats.

“I’m so sorry, babies. I know those alarm sounds are scary, aren’t they?”