Page 73 of Knot Their Omega

“It’s not for you,” he declares as he closes the fridge and rises to his full figure. “Go get cleaned up. I’m not going to ask you a third time.”

“You actually like her.” I say the words I’ve been trying to avoid as I lock eyes with him. “That Omega. You. Like. Her.”

All he does is shrug as he turns away.


I don’t expect him to answer me, yet hearing him say it with so much confidence makes me feel… odd.Angry? Jealous? Hurt?

Or maybe I’m frightened of suddenly being replaced.

Since this is what it feels like.

I’ve always been the center of attention in our pack, and suddenly… I’m not.

Yet, she is…

What frightens me the most and what I’m desperately trying to ignore is how I feel she deserves to be acknowledged. I can secretly accept and agree that this particular Omega is probably the best in every category of what you’d want in an Omega, yet I don’t want to accept an Omega like this exists.

That may be because I’ve been so focused on my career to stardom, I slacked in finding this woman for my pack.

I’m unsure of her age, but then again, maybe age isn’t even a factor.

My life was chaotic back then. There’s no way I could have discovered this Omega years earlier.


“And there’s nothing you can do about it,” Icarus continues. “So either adapt,”—he pauses to look back at me, and there’s that look of scrutiny directed straight into my soul—“or get ready to fall.”

He leaves me with that.

With an ultimatum I can’t walk away from.

A Life Of An Omega In This New World


“How many Omegas were attacked today?”

I only asked Velvet for verification because the number seems… out of proportion.

Yet, this is really happening.

“Fifty-four as of this morning,” Velvet reveals, looking conflicted as she crosses her arms over her chest. “One more and I have to put the Haven on lockdown.”

“Lockdown…” I nervously state. If we go on lockdown, I’m going to be trapped here for who knows how long.

We’ve done a few lockdowns in the past, but the longest one lasted three solid months because the violent attempts on Omegas were nonstop until the government intervened. We all know it could have been dealt with far faster, but Omegas aren’t on the ‘priority’ list, even if our lives are at risk.

I’d think things would be different if this situation was induced by the recent news, but when it comes to the government, which is run mostly by Alphas, you can’t keep your hopes up.

“Is that really necessary?”

I forgot Kaiser,Kai for short,was behind me. Velvet must have forgotten as well because we both look back to acknowledge the tall male as he casually stands there while we deal with the situation at hand.

We only arrived five minutes ago, and it’s been nothing but chaos. I’m thankful the alarms were finally switched off, but from the commentary, they’ve been ringing through the air for an hour straight.

“I may have no other choice,” Velvet admits. I’m not sure she can share a lot, if anything, with Kai present, but I think she knows him from somewhere because she’s been rather open, regardless of his presence.