“You know, she never cared about me in that way,” I mutter, grabbing her attention for a moment. “In that parental viewpoint that makes you want to be a good parent. Those parents who don’t expect anything in return, but are also forever grateful if their children are willing to return the favor whentheir old and wrinkly. I’m the unwanted girl. Despite my dad and his pack being grateful to have a girl out of three other boys, you know what Leo once told me?”
Velvet shakes her head, anticipating my continuation.
“The moment you were born and held in your father’s arms, she was jealous of you.” I repeat the very statement that reminds me that this predicament I’m experiencing will never change.Word for word.“Even having me take an ounce of her Alphas attention warranted her envy. It even made them regret my creation because what Mother is jealous of their own daughter? It’s madness.”
I spread my fingers out, looking at how white-knuckled they are after I’ve squeezed them into fists to hide the way they tremble with brewing anger.
Forty-five minutes of kickboxing drills didn’t do shit.
“Being reminded every day that your birth is but an error of your Omega mother’s state of mind is a constant reminder of what I DON’T want to become. How I’ll do anything to prevent such a predicament from happening to my next generation. That is, if I even want to go down that route.”
The idea of kids frightens me.
“You want children, Astraea.” Velvet’s soft touch to my cheek forces me to acknowledge her and not my sweaty palms. She has such a loving expression on her face.
A Motherly reflection that gives me a sprinkle of the compassionate look I’ve always yearned to see in my mother’s blue eyes, which look no different from mine.
“I know your mother makes it difficult to even envision, but when you find a pack that aligns with you, together you’ll be able to determine if children are the right path for you all.”
But what if accidents happen? Like me…
“Alphas are aware that most Omegas wish to give birth. To celebrate the ability to live and provide their offspring a loving home. Our society makes it harder, especially with how the world has entered its dark ages, but with communication and the right pack, you’ll discover what’s best, and if that includes children, it will transpire.”
“I just don’t want to bring a child into this world by accident,” I whisper. “Or to be a single Omega mother raising a child in a pack that’s only around to enjoy the monthly Heats us Omegas can’t avoid.”
“I know.” She wipes away what I can only assume is a bead of sweat and not a tear from my blurry eyes.
“I want my child to be born out of love. Planned or not,” I say more to myself, allowing this moment to admit the truth beating deep within my heart. “Instead of what I got. What I dealt with. No… what I continue to deal with, day and night.” Saying the truth out into the world brings a hint of comfort.
“But what if I don’t find my perfect pack?”
Velvet smiles at that one, her eyes twinkling with merit.
“No pack is perfect. Not a single one.” Her smile only grows. “But that’s the beauty of it, Astraea. That a group of individuals with their various imperfections can come together and love a single person who is just as imperfect as them.”
She cradles my cheeks in her palms, giving me that physical touch to emphasize that she’s right here.
No matter how lost and worried I may feel, I have someone in my corner.
“Like different strings of yarn, you begin to take those first weaving movements. Interlock and entwine, coming together into a unique masterpiece one can’t replicate. You learn about each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and you come to love and admire those traits. All these emotions of anxiety anduncertainty will fade, and in their place will form blossoming emotions of stability and hopefulness.”
She presses her forehead against mine, and I can only smile as I take a few breaths.
“Being an Omega is never an easy journey, but it will be a rewarding one when you’ve not only embraced the beauty within you but the amazing strength you can acquire as a whole with your pack at your side.”
She pulls away and slowly pats my shoulders.
“So until then, keep being your talented rebel self,” she encourages with a defiant smirk and a quick wink. “Just lead the government on a trail of failed meetups for added measure.”
“Ugh,” I groan at the reminder. “I got another one of those.”
“Ah. Same,” she says dramatically.
“Wait! You still get them?” I’m shocked because I’ve assumed Velvet is packless out of choice. Meaning she told the government a nice big ‘fuck off,’ and they gave up trying.
Once you reach your late thirties, the government will no longer benefit from trying to get you to find a pack. Heck, they probably lose funding money trying to make a thirty-nine-year-old be deemed “attractive” enough to bring on all the Alphas who spend top dollar to attend these parties and events in hopes of finding an Omega.