Page 64 of Knot Their Omega

“Leader, yet you skipped the Meet and Greet,” I say loud and clear, aligning my words with exactly what this Omega pointed out earlier.

Astraea, was it? Her name is like a goddess. A sun goddess. She could be a ray of sunshine in our pack if we didn’t have this gloomy asshole as our so-called ‘leader.’

“Don’t fucking piss me off, Kai.”

“And don’t think you can use that tone on me as if I won’t fuck you up for breakfast,” I snap right back.

“Are you finished?”

We look back to the Omega,Astraea,noticing she’s still standing there, arms crossed, one hip to the side, thanks to her spread-out stance. She doesn’t seem fazed at all, but this has to be an act or something because there’s no way she took all of that not to be emotionally impacted by his words.


“I asked if you’re finished?” She repeats.

“Of course, I’m finished,” Nate huffs and points back to the exit. “Which is why you need to get the fuck out!”


“Wh-What?” Nate gasps.

What is she doing?

I’m only quiet because I want to see where this is going. Whatever this is.

“I’m not leaving,” she concludes as she grabs the iPad from the counter. She looks at the time on the screen, nodding more to herself before giving Nate her full attention.Still no tears.“I have five minutes, so let me make this quick.”

“Five minutes?” Nate is absolutely flabbergasted.Just like us.“I told you to get the fuck ou?—”

“Have you never had an intelligent conversation without screaming your lungs out?” She tosses back at him. “In fact, is that all you do? Scream, shout, and throw all your anger at innocent strangers who don’t even know who the fuck you are? Surely, you can’t possibly act like this in public because, as anapparent musician, you wouldn’t have fans if you acted this atrocious in public.”

“A-Atrocious?!” He states with a furious gaze.

“Yes. Is that vocabulary difficult? I can tone it down to child level, seeing as you’ve acted exactly that for the entire duration of getting to know who Nathaniel Morelli is. A screaming, short-tempered prick of an Alpha who prioritizes pussy over his pack because his priorities center around fucking whores who see him as a cash grab rather than an individual potentially crying out for help and stability but is too insecure and up in his feels to dare attempt to do something as hard as confronting your internal battles like a true man would,” she summarizes all in one breath. She takes another and lets it out slower.

Then she’s right in his face, pointing a finger into his chest.

I’ve never seen a switch-up in power dynamics, but something has just gone off in this Omega, and it’s mesmerizing to witness firsthand.

“I am not ugly. If I don’t fit your standards of beauty, you can go fuck yourself and not try to diminish my value all because I’m not on your attractive palette, but truthfully, I doubt that’s the case because your nose has been flaring since you yelled your way into my acknowledgment and that’s usually a sign of Alphas sniffing up territory that they like. Meaning, the ‘stench’ of this tour bus isn’t as disgusting as you claim because if it was as intoxicating and suffer-inducing as you’ve enforced, you’d no longer be on it,” she summarizes swiftly. She pokes his chest again. “I’m a self-sufficient Omega who doesn’t need your money. I don’t need you at all, but because your talent manager sees whatever potential in that miserable cold heart of yours, I’ll find it in the goodness of my heart to make this instance a one-time exception.”

She pokes his chest a third time with more force, making Nate take a step back while she takes the step needed to be rightup against him. The height difference means nothing at this moment because she’s captivated all of our attention.

“I’m not a cunt. I didn’t waltz onto this bus, hoping to bounce on some cock and get paid for it. Your talent manager brought me here, presuming it’s a safe space, seeing as the outside is losing its shit because of this whole new movement, which, by the way, I didn’t invent. I’m not the creator of it. I’m not a contributing member who decided, ‘Let’s give all these Alphas a taste of what Omegas deal with all the time’ by stripping away their ability to do XYZ unless they have an Omega. Maybe if you had an open mind and weren’t a self-centered prick, you’d see that this is but a taste of your own medicine, or the best way to put it is calling it ‘Karma.’”

Before Nate can open his mouth, she has his collar in her grip and pulls him down, so he has no choice but to be on the same face level as her. My jaw goes slack as I watch in amazement as this petite woman commands the fucking room.

And my beating heart that’s racing just for her.

“I don’t like you. You don’t need to like me. Just like the name of this movement, you’ll never need to worry about my existence because guess what? I’m not your Omega,” she emphasizes loud and clear before continuing. “But your talent manager cares enough about your wasteful potential to strike a deal with me. A deal that ensures your apparent tour isn’t canceled and your pack doesn’t suffer the list of consequences of not having an Omega for a minimum of three months. Icarus actually has a good set of balls and a big enough dick to be a man and not a man-child, so I’ve decided to accept his offering with a few added conditions.”


“I’m not going to waste my time explaining all the mandates. You can ask him when he returns with breakfast because a starving Omega is not a happy one, and you don’t want to dealwith me when I’m hangry because I’m a short-tempered bitch that bites,” she announces as a warning for ‘future reference.’ “But I’ll say this. I don’t respond to being yelled at. Raise your voice at me, and I’ll become the best mute Omega you can ask for, and I will not speak, even if you beg me to, making you look like a complete imbecile in public. Who wants to be around an Alpha who can’t get their Omega to speak words?”

When she puts it like that, she has a point. We haven’t experienced what it’s like to have an Omega, but we’ve been in plenty of instances where many packs judge how Omegas behave in public with their Alphas present.

How your Omega is presented in public is another factor that determines how you’re respected by fellow packs. Now that society is trying to favor Omegas more, this is going to be even more crucial.