Page 34 of Knot Their Omega

I try to get up, only to curse because that crash into the wall rattled my body up. I’m positive I don’t have any broken bones, but I have to be bruised or something because moving is a bit painful.

“Little Omega.”

I immediately lift my head at the title, realizing Mr. Sexy Beast of a Fucker is no longer steps away from me, catching his breath.

Oh no, he’s on my same level, knees on the cement ground, face inches from mine.

I must have hit my head because my Omega sense is not only in overdrive, but the closeness is giving me sensory overload. His aroma sweeps around me like a tornado, overwhelming mejust like the excruciating need to move and make sure he’s okay. My mind wants to do multiple things at once: my body trying to balance the pain still thrumming through me versus the Omega need to be of sensual use to the Alpha in my domain.

It all feels too much.

So much, I’m seeing stars in my line of vision.

“I’m okay,” I try to say and even attempt to scramble up, but that’s the tip of the iceberg I need to send me crashing down.

Right into a pair of muscled arms, catching me even as I descend into darkness.

Delicacy Is Bliss


“Got you, Little One.”

My voice barely pierces the air as it vibrates with vicious fury.

Catching this Omega in my grasp makes me realize how light she is. Her weight feels like nothing to me as I lean her back to cradle her in my arms. How fragile it makes her in my grasp, forcing me to move carefully as if one wrong move will hurt her. Damage her.My ears are ringing as I hold my breath to make sure she’s okay.

She hit the wall far harder than a female should. With no padding to cushion her impact, I’m surprised she didn’t break anything. I quickly pat her down, moving limbs to ensure she’s not making an immediate reaction that proves something is broken.

I can see the discomfort on her face, despite her unconsciousness, but I can safely assume nothing is broken.

If it was, I don’t think I’d leave this spot without committing murder.

More droplets begin to fall from the sky, forcing me to look up and confirm it’s going to rain heavily.

“Fuck.” I’m trying to think of the best way to do this.

I don’t want to take her to a hotel or a safe house.

In fact, I don’t want my eyes off her until I know she’s better.

When I can witness her wake up and give me those feisty looks while admiring me with those stunning blue eyes.

Just thinking about it pushes me to action as I scoop her up with ease. Walking back to where I left my coat hanging on a pole, I manage to go back on my knees and lower her so I can use one hand to lay my suit jacket on top of her.

The dress is stunning on her, and there’s no way I want it to get wet if it can be avoided.

I hear a muttering sound, making me tense up and dart my narrowed eyes back down the alleyway. I’m praying these fuckers stay down because if they do get up, they’ll regret it in the next life.

A few stilled seconds make me realize it’s coming from my phone that’s on the ground.

Ugh, I dropped it.

I know without even reaching for it that the screen is broken.

Not surprised.

“Why am I still on the line? Ugh. I should hang up. Fucker probably fighting douchebags who looked at him funny.”