“Yes,” I agree.
“Well, even though they announced they found an Omega, I think two of the band members want out. The guitarist and background singer.”
“Wait… why?” None of the guys had mentioned that when we were on the tour bus today. I met the guitarist, James, and the background singer, Rex, and they both were friendly and welcoming. To now hear these rumors of them quitting feels a bit of a backstab.
“I mean, neither of them brought anything up when we’ve been on the tour bus together the last few days,” I add on.
“Hmm, honestly, it may have to do with you, bestie.”
“M-Me? What did I do?”
“It’s not about what you did,” Kamari reveals. “They’re the problem. The guitarist… what’s his name again… James? I think that’s what it was. He’s in a pack already. The Omega is very picky and a bit of a bitch, honestly. She’s the daughter of a big clothing firm, so she’s financially well off compared to James. I’m sure she’s not going to be too thrilled with the idea of him traveling on a tiny tour bus with half of the member’s Omega on board.”
“Well…” Okay. Maybe she’s right about that. “And Rex?”
“Packless, but if you want my honest opinion, I think he wanted to leave the band a long time ago.”
“Why is that?” I feel kind of stupid having to ask all these questions when I’ve been traveling with these men on one bus. It’s not like I hadn’t tried to get to know James or Rex, but they were rather distant from the get-go. Kept to themselves only when it came to practicing and discussing song arrangements.“They seemed pretty distant when I tried to even make convo with either of them.”
“Rex is gay, which is fine, but I guess he wants a male Omega,” Kamari reveals. “Not too sure if it’s true. I haven’t kept up with the gossip and revelations in the forums like I used to, but when you go down the grapevine, Rex had met a male Omega in the past, and they had a one-night fling. Since then, he’s craved those connections, I guess, but has never been able to find that male Omega since.”
“That’s kind of sad,” I quietly confess.
“Mhmm. It was a bit heartbreaking since male Omega are extremely rare, but if discovered, the government kind of captures them.”
“C-Captures them?” This is the first time hearing this.
“I only know about this cause the pack I’m with was just talking about it. Feels like an underground black market if you ask me, but there are Omega hunters who trek across the world, trying to find male Omegas they can sell underground. They easily go for millions.” She’s speaking so quietly, it’s hard to hear her, but I sense the sadness in her voice. “I stopped searching for more when one of the forums said the male Rex had been interested in had been captured and was a slave for some rich pack that gets off on that. Really dark shit.”
“That’s… depressing.”
“So, imagine being in Rex’s position, finding out your ‘fans’ are searching for the whereabouts of someone you had a one-time fling with but secretly carries feelings for? They may have thought they were doing him a favor by trying to find this mysterious male Omega, only for them to find out he may be a captive slave to a group of rich tycoons who will probably use and abuse him until he’s dead.”
“Resentment,” I whisper. “Would build every time you hear whispers in the crowd of your fans or scroll on social media andsee their commentary. At the end of the day, you wouldn’t want their pity, but that can’t be erased from the internet or the fans’ minds.”
“Then are they paying attention to your talent or the sad story attached to you?” Kamari wonders. “The thing is, some people speculate Rex wanted to do his own thing ages ago but held back because of Nate.”
“Held back?”
“Yeah. Rex is a strong singer, honestly. Sometimes, even stronger than Nate. A few people noticed they were having a bit of a dispute when they sang certain songs. Not one that is necessarily obvious, but unless you know the melody and riffs of the song, you’ll tell if one singer is overpowering the other at certain bridges and key change chorus.”
I’m so impressed with how much Kamari knows about these things. I knew she was into music, but for her to know all this information on Blooming Salvation and have studied their content to the point of noticing such subliminal differences, it’s fascinating to acknowledge.
It should be praised, honestly.
“You’ve helped me a bunch, Kamari,” I confess. “Thank you, bestie.”
“Hmm? I did? I’m super glad I can help,” she confesses. “Are things okay there?”
“Yeah. Just don’t know what will happen with the band, you know?” I lower my head to peer at my black combat boots.
I’m wearing a simple black dress with purple ribbons at the end. The cleavage isn’t too deep, thanks to the square-like neckline, but I was wearing a leather jacket over it before, so I wouldn’t be too distracting being around all these Alphas.
Everyone has been nice here, but the atmosphere has been tense with the band’s uncertainty.
“I’m sure if they don’t work it out, they’ll just find replacements,” Kamari suggests.
“But that’s going to be difficult with the tour already delayed,” I mumble. “Guitarist may not be hard, but a second lead singer? That would be tedious. Plus, if they try to reveal it publicly, things could get messy.” It’s overwhelming to think about it.