I have to step back and tame my chuckle that slips out while poor Knox is lifting the woman who’s ready to re-arrange my damn face.Earned but I have business to attend to this evening. Can’t have a black eye and scratches decorating my face.
Watching Knox carry Velvet out makes me shrug in defeat while enjoying her echoing insults of how she’ll slap the cockiness out of my existence.
So feisty.
Staring down to the floor, I notice something glimmering next to the plentiful beads of sweat. Intrigue gets the best of me, which is why I’m not only before the item but crouching down to pick it up.
“Guitar pick?” I mutter while admiring the rose design that has a black snake integrated into the lavender-purple pick. What heeds my attention is the name written in beautiful cursive.
“Blair Vesper.”
I recognize the name for obvious reasons but can’t understand why a guitar pick with his name would be here.
Thinking of the Omega who left with her wide blue eyes and how her silver hair stuck to her serene face makes me tight down below.
“No. Blair’s male. That’s what everyone says. An Alpha at best. I may think otherwise, but even if that was true, she’d have to be someone ordinary. Not an Omega. Then again…”
The songs created by Blair Vesper are six to seven-figure masterpieces. Far too passionate, emotional, and empowering to be written by some Alpha.
“Could she work for them?” I wonder and smirk at the potential possibility. “Now, that would be a perfect opportunity.”
I catch the footsteps from the hall, prompting me to slip the guitar pick into my pocket before turning around in time to see Knox’s annoyed look.
“Aw, don’t be mad at me,” I whine. “You haven’t seen my cocky ass in over a year. Have sympathy.”
He gives me a ‘you’re fucking lucky’ look but nudges his head down the hall, encouraging me to follow his lead as I notice two Beta janitors waiting to enter this space.
For a moment, I don’t move. It’s completely out of character for me because there’s nothing here to hold me back. Yet, the sudden idea of anyone attempting to wipe away this calming scent from the floors makes me want to growl in annoyance.
Or maybe I did, which could explain why the Betas are wide-eyed and trying not to run for the hills.
Knox gives me an eyebrow raise before he looks at his employed Betas.
“Can you do the next room first? We have something to discuss,” Knox announces with enough authoritative power to make them understand this isn’t up for debate.
“Yes, Sir!” They both nod swiftly and rush with their cleaning carts to the next room without glancing my way.
I really feel the need to snap their little necks for trying to get rid of this scent.
My scent.
It’s rather infuriating the longer I think about it.
A hand falls on my shoulder, gripping it tightly enough that I actually flinch out of my glaring moment.
Fuck… why was I glaring?
I feel out of tune with myself, which doesn’t make sense in the slightest.
Turning my attention back to Knox seems to answer whatever is buzzing in his mind. I guess my expression is enough for him to let me off the hook for now because he lets me go and proceeds to move to our usual spot to catch up.
The top floor balcony.
Only he and a few executive gym members and athletes get priority access, which means we’ll be uninterrupted as we speak about business.
When we arrive, the bodyguards are already bowing in respect before one opens the door after inputting the lengthy numeric code.