“At least someone appreciates my humor,” I fire back.

“I don't think that's as good of an argument as you think it is. He's more deranged than you are. Also, your body count, and I mean that in the six-feet-under kind of way, isn't a matter of public record.”

“We aren't married yet, so neither is our relationship,” I point out.

“He makes an excellent point,” I hear Sin shout from the background.

“Not all of us celebrate getting our driver’s license by running straight to the courthouse to get hitched,” I say back, knowing he is listening.

“Not everyone can be as cool as Raven and I. We've learned to accept it, you should too,” he yells back.

“Would the two of you like to talk amongst yourselves?” Tessa asks. I can hear the teasing tone of her voice, and realize that Sin was doing what I hadn't been able to do, which is pull her out of her darkening mood.

In the past, I would have been very territorial over anyone who was able to make her feel better, because that's my job, but since that night at the restaurant with the four of us, I feel okay when he's able to make her feel better.

“What time is the game tomorrow?” Tessa asks.

“Why? I won't be playing.”

“I go to all your home games, I'm not going to miss this one. Sooner or later he's going to put you on the field.” Tessa has always had faith in me even when I don't have it in myself.

“I don't think Coach has missed that you're at most of our games either,” I say.

She gasps. “Oh my God, I didn't even think about that. Should I not go? Really if you have to pretend that we aren't together, I'll understand.”

“Well, I fucking won’t,” Sin snaps.

“See Tessa, that is a normal reaction. For the record, I can't do that. I will not deny you, not even to get on the field. Take that option out of your mind. I'm not doing it.”

“But you could lose football.” This is not the first time we've had this argument. It's not even the tenth.

“And if I lose football I do. I'm okay with losing football. Even if you think you're fine with it now, I will not be okay with doing anything that demeans our relationship.”

“I really love you, you know that,” she admits, much easier than she used to.

“I know.” And I did know now. “I really fucking love you right back.”

“I know,” she says, and I think she's starting to believe it.

When the doors finally open to our floor the first thing we notice is the noise.

“What the fuck? How the hell am I going to get any sleep with this shit going on?” Kendall asks.

“What is that?” Tessa asks.

“Apparently, the team is throwing a rager on our floor. I can’t believe Coach is allowing this shit, let alone the night before a game,” I grumble.

“Greer isn’t at the hotel,” I hear Sin say.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Make an appearance, and slip out. I’ve got some shit to tell you,” Sin says, having taken the phone from Tessa.

“Do you have room for my friend Kendall?”

“Is he going to hit on my wife?” Sin asks, totally not joking.

“No way. His girlfriend would have his balls,” I tell him.