Damien cocks his head to the side, then smiles wide. "You know. I can work with this."
"We have an agreement, Blackthorne. My son for your daughter. The rest will be up to the voters," Whitmore, who I refuse to think of as my father, says.
"That was before your son interrupted my plans to unite my family with the Campbells. Now it looks like you and I are family."
Two men step out of Whitmore's car. They step on either side of me and grab my arms. A car peals into the lot, and Lucien jumps out.
"Ah, if it isn't my prodigal son. Are you going to behave and come home?"
Lucien clenches his teeth and nods. "What choice do I have? I'm not letting you take her without me."
"I see you've bonded with your sister. Do you really think you can protect her from me?"
Lucien's smirk matches his father's. "You've got to sleep some time, old man. Bet you wish you hadn't trained me to be a killer now, huh?"
The mask melts away. "Don't push me, son. My men are loyal to me, not you. Not yet, at least. Come home and accept your place by my side. We're all going to pretend to be one big happy family for the cameras. The two of you are going to help me win the governor's seat."
He shoves Raven toward Lucien, who manages to catch her before she falls. "Okay, daughter. I'll let your husband live. You can even have a big wedding. Won't that be nice?"
"I won't let this stand," Whitmore protests.
"Hmm, won't it be awful if all the murders he's committed come to light? How would your campaign fair if the press gets wind of that? Not to mention all the evidence I have on him. He'll go away forever, and you'll lose him all over again. Poor Carina, she's been waiting eighteen years to have her boy back. I bet that would finally push her over the edge. Tell me, how many times has she tried to kill herself now? Three?"
Whitmore growls. "You're a sick bastard."
Damien laughs. "Now now. We're family. Let's not fight. I'll be expecting your withdrawal from the campaign. You did just find your son; everyone will understand."
"I'm not so easily manipulated," Whitmore asserts.
His men draw their weapons on Damien and his guard. Multiple red dots light up my chest.
"I always have a back up plan. Take your son now. I'll be in touch soon."
The governor's guards lower their weapons and drag me back to their car.
"No! Raven!" I thrash against their hold, but it's no use. For the first time I can't find an escape. I'm back in the basement of Blackthorne Manor with hands on me I can't shake off.
"Sin," Lucien's voice breaks through the fog of my flashback. "I will take care of her. Take care of yourself now. You'll see her again."
There's no choice except to put all of my trust in Lucien.
"Raven, I love you!" I shout as I'm shoved into the car.
The governor slides in next to me and the car pulls away. I watch as long as I can until I can't see her anymore.
"You'll forget her. Trust me, you don't want to be tied to the Blackthornes for the rest of your life."
I turn my face away from him and watch the city fly past as we speed down the freeway. "I already am," I whisper.
One way or another I'm getting my wife back.
To be continued...