Page 17 of Harmonizing Hearts

I hope.

I need to focus on something other than Emma or I will go crazy.

We join them and Angel takes her headset off, “I adore the lyrics.”

“They’re perfect for this base.” Matthew nods in approval. He’s one of the best I know and that compliment pumps my ego.

“Yeah, but I’d add a few violins… no wait, hear your version first.” I stand by her and focus on the song. Her cell phone pings and she takes it out. I can’t help but watch the screen and seeing her chat with Emma breaks my heart. Deep down I knew she was ghosting me but now it’s even more clear but the last text is a bittersweet taste.

I’m okay, trying to move on.

No, Em, I won’t let you move on.

Not a fucking chance.

Not until you tell me what the hell is going on.

The song ends and I focus back on the conversation.

“How does it sound?” Matthew asks us.

“It could have been better, more powerful,” I admit. I thought I gave it my all but it seems not my hundred percent.

“I disagree.” Angel shrugs.

“Honestly I like it, the rhythm is great,” Jill adds.

Angel approaches the console, and wears back her head set, “Okay, now, what about you add here, and… here the violins, but keep them lower, like their sound is fading that way it may seem he sings over them.”

William fumbles with the keys and adds them.

“No, they’re still too powerful.” Will lowers the volume, “Okay, and now here, make them be in a crescendo until their sound merges with the drum and guitar.”

I admit I have no idea what she’s doing but I'm getting nervous. I wanna hear that too.

“That’s magic. It’d break the charts.”

“That’s what we want.” She giggles, while she unplugs the headset again. “Now, close your eyes.”

The music starts with the bass sound merging perfectly with the drums and the violins adds that dreamy touch that takes you in another dimension. Just wow.

“I fucking love it.” Jill squeaks, jumping on my back.

“It’s absolutely amazing, Angel,” I admit. It took her so little to make it unique even though she’s not a producer.

“I did nothing, it’s your doing guys. Keep going, I love it!” She collects some files and looks up toward us, “Who wrote the lyrics?”

“Jax!” the guys say in unison.

“Great job, I’ll make sure you have the bonus credit on it.” She nods, “which means a higher fee and your name on the wall of our songwriters too.”

The weight of Jax’s words still lingers in my heart, tormenting my thoughts like a relentless storm. How could he say those things? How could he make me feel so insignificant, as if I were nothing more than a passing fancy? The pain of his betrayal cuts deep, leaving wounds that ache with every beat of my wounded heart.

I try to distract myself, to focus on something other than the piercing hurt that consumes me. The upcoming concerts in Verona and Rome become my lifeline, an opportunity to bury my pain beneath the chaos of organizing and managing the events. The busyness becomes a shield, protecting me from the raw vulnerability that threatens to swallow me whole. But no matter how hard I try, thoughts of Jax infiltrate my mind, disrupting my carefully constructed façade of strength. He was the one who gave me a sense of belonging, who made me feel seen and cherished. I thought our connection was real, that it transcended the superficial boundaries of a mere scene. Yet, his words shattered that illusion, leaving me adrift in a sea of doubt. I’ve seen his texts. I sure read them just in case it’s something work related but the only thing he wants is an explanation I don’t want to give him. What for? It’d turn the blade in my wound and all I want is to erase everything. I shouldn’t have told him who I was and just kept it professional. But how could I since my heart was screaming his name?

“Great job, Emma, see you tonight.” Matthew waves me goodbye before joining his band.

My career in SMD is skyrocketing, I’ve never imagined I’d be the one to handle the concerts and lead a whole team. In my vision there was an office, some meetings and maybe a family. But five years later I’m still the same and alone. Even though I’m surrounded by amazing people and friends, once I close my house door there’s nothing for me.