Page 30 of Spice's Halloween

For better or worse, those two girls stuck together like superglue.

“If any shit happens, I’m holding you two responsible!” Rosalea threatened.

“Yeah, yeah,” Iona retorted, and I grinned.

“Now, we don’t tell the club what we’re up to. If they know, then they’ll think we’re nuts and try to stop us,” I said.

“That’s true. They’re all quite superstitious,” Iona drawled, clearly considering that.

“With reason! Look at what half of them can do!” Rosalea snapped.

“Good point. Lindy, we will take precautions, won’t we?” Iona asked.

“Yes. This is about having some fun, girls, and seeing if we can contact someone. Don’t get all horror movie on me,” I said and relished Rosalea blanching.

“Oh God, we’re typical horror movie victims,” she whined.

“Well, bitch, you always claimed you were my ride to die. This is your chance to prove it,” Iona stated happily.

Rosalea gazed at Iona in mute unhappiness while Iona grinned at me.

I smiled back. Neither of them had a clue what they’d signed up for.


“Jameson,” I answered the phone to the National President.

“Warden. Checking in. Any more trouble from McKay and the Screaming Barons?”

“No. They’ve stayed clear for now, and we’re aware the cops still ain’t solved that kid’s murder despite the pressure from the family,” I replied.

“McKay is setting his sights on Camden,” Jameson said.

“Agreed, but McKay’s going to be careful. He knows the strength of the Royal Bastards, and he’s fully aware of how we support each chapter while remaining independent. McKay isn’tready for a war with every chapter the Royal Bastards can bring to the equation.”

“What will McKay do?” Jameson asked.

“He’ll go after us one by one. McKay will try to hit us with a series of accidents, or he’s gonna go big and try to take us out at once, an explosion or something similar. If we’re all dead through an ‘accident’, you can’t claim revenge,” I said.

“Keep your eyes open, Warden, and use the talent at your disposal. We can get people to you, but you’ve nobody close. I’ll need time to get you help if you need it.”

“Trust me, Jameson, I’ve got it. They’re wide open. Oracle isn’t seeing anything immediate so I’m not too worried. But if Oracle triggers a vision, I’ll let you know,” I promised.

“Keep me informed and up to date. If you can’t get me, call Colt.”

“Will do, Prez, thanks,” I said as Jameson disconnected the call.

I sat back and sighed. McKay was a problem for another day. I had to sort out this fuckin’ body recovery. This time, we’d be burning Triple D.


I entered the house and put my boots away on the shoe shelf. Long ago, I’d learned Lindy had a damn good aim, and nothing pissed her off more than muddy boots or leaving them out. Lindy had house-trained me decades ago.

“Sweetheart?” I called, and Lindy shouted from the kitchen. My stomach rumbled; something smelt fantastic.

Lindy was standing by the stove stirring a pot, and I approached her and kissed her like I always did. I made sure thatwhen I arrived home, my woman was greeted properly. Lindy kissed me back and then continued cooking.

“Wine?” I asked.