“There’s also challenges because you’re a monogamous couple,” Julian pointed out and pinked slightly.

His parents gave semi-awkward laughs and flushed too.

“That’s right. We’re looking for someone who will respect that our relationship to each other and to you is paramount,” his mother said firmly.

“And you’ve agreed to let Christian and I follow your journey in becoming Vampires from learning about the Bloodlines to meeting various individuals who want to offer you a Second Life,” Julian said.

His father nodded. “That’s right. We want to be as transparent as possible about what happens and our thought process.”

His mother leaned forward and said earnestly to the camera. “We want people to see that there is nothing to be afraid of. That this is a marvelous thing. That the world is so much more than we ever knew.”

“Our goal so long ago in our show,Believe, and in all our books and scholarly works was to inspire people to open their minds and their hearts to the supernatural,” his father said. “We hope to continue that work.”

Julian turned to face the camera once more. “Thank you for tuning in. This is just the first of many episodes that will capture my parents’ journey in becoming Vampires. Christian and I will also be showing you some of the wonders of the Ever Dark, the academy and all things Vampire.”

“Cut!” Christian called and the red lights turned off on all of the cameras.

Julian drew in a breath. His parents were smiling. This was just the first part of several they would film that night. But it wasdone. Other than the editing, which now would be handled by House Wynter Vampires, freeing him and Christian up to simply approve what they put together. His gaze met Christian’s. His best friend gave him a satisfied nod.

“That went really well!” his mother said as she pulled Julian in for a hug.

He smelled the light violet perfume she wore and felt the warmth of her body against his. She was real. She was here. He held her fiercely.

“It will definitely whet people’s appetites to know more,” his father agreed as he slung an arm around Julian as well.

His father’s spicy scent filled his nostrils. Julian remembered how he had sniffed his father’s sweaters after he was gone, trying to remember his father’s love and strength. He’d worn one of them for weeks on end. Now his father was right there. Julian gripped him back. He was solid. He was real. Neither of his parents would ever leave him now.

“You guys did great,” Julian said to his parents as he pulled back from the hugs. “You didn’t seem nervous at all.”

“You made us feel quite at home,” his mother assured him.

“I did not realize you heard a voice,” Julian said.

“We did, but, like we said, it wasn’t for us.” His father patted his shoulder. “We knew we were meant to come back to you.”

His mother pressed their foreheads together. “We’re going to have the life we always should have had.”

“Better than that,” Julian said as his gaze slipped to Daemon. “Much, much better than that actually.”

“Yes,” both his parents agreed, “even better than that.”

“Excellent work! Drinks all around!” Balthazar crowed as he pushed flutes of champagne into everyone’s hands.

Meffy mewed triumphantly as he perched on Balthazar’s right shoulder. Christian reached up and gave the kitten a treat. Julian took a deep swallow of the sparkling liquid as Daemon slipped an arm around his waist. He leaned against the Vampire King, relishing that solidity and strength.

Caemorn immediately went to his parents. They were speaking in low tones about what they should and shouldn’t talk about in regards to the afterlife. Measuring carefully what information came out about that was one way to keep people from becoming afraid. Or too afraid.

In a flash, Fiona and Arcius appeared in their midst. Both were dressed in their finest Order robes of leather, chains and exposed skin. They had been teleporting between various of the cities where there were protests, observing and keeping the peace if necessary. Fiona’s Wyvern Vampires were being kept busy just as Balthazar’s Eyros Vampires were. Julian hoped that when the video was released that it would help things.

“Congratulations, everyone! I see you finished the first broadcast.” Arcius beamed as he took a flute from Balthazar.

“You made it back in time! I knew you would!” Sophia beamed as she and Seeyr joined them.

“In time for what?” Fiona asked as she took a flute from Balthazar as well.

“For a toast, of course!” Sophia beamed.

“The academy will be an incredible success,” Seeyr said with a smile. “And, Julian, you mustn’t worry. Your words will reach many, even those who think they wantnothingto do with us.”