“I consider Caemorn a friend or something,” Julian said with an answering shrug.

Hehadbeen relieved to see Caemorn. Ecstatic really because the Kaly Vampire was one of the smartest people he knew and if anyone was going to get them out of Moonfall safely it would have been him since Daemon and Balthazar could not be there.

“We’ve been friends for so long. And this time--yourcurrent time, rather--was so painful for me that I never asked.” Caemorn leaned back against the desk, resting on it, and smiling that fond smile again. “It’s strange because the three of us… Well, we talk about so much. And Balthazar practically lives inside my head most of the time while we run the Academy. But--”

“Academy?” Julian couldn’t help but interrupt. It was a fascinating idea that he was talking to someonefromthe future. A future where things weren’t maybe so dire as now.

Caemorn grinned. “No matter what Balthazar tells you later, it wasmyidea.”

“If you’re from the future, we get out of here safely,” Christian said.

Caemorn nodded. “Indeed, you do.”

There was a high-pitched shrieking followed by more rumbling from outside that had him and Christian cringing and waiting for the roof to fall on them.

“I suppose there could be multiple futures where maybe things don’t work out, but I’m pretty sure of this one,” Caemorn said after it quieted down.

Julian stared at him hard. His Eyros gift did not seem to be working though, or maybe Caemorn was simply able to block him.

If he is Kaly he would be able to do that. Then again, I’m new so Caemorn could block me too.His eyes slid to Christian.He’s not blocking Christian though.

Christian was still regarding Caemorn with a head tilt. His eyes had that look he got when he’d found a fascinating puzzle and was trying to work it out.

“You’re theoriginalKaly,” Christian suddenly said.

Julian frowned at him. “That can’t be. We know that Caemorn was turned by Artemis.”

“You are both right,” Kaly said.

“How? Or better yet, just tell us how to find the gate. You claim to be CaemornandKaly. You claim we survive. You claim to be our friend so get us out of here,” Julian insisted as he tenderly tucked his parents’ soul gems into his front right pocket.

“We have to discuss other things first,” Caemorn said. “If the future is going to work the way it should.”

“What things?” Christian asked, tensing slightly.

Caemorn chuckled. “You can read my mind, but you’re still suspicious, Christian. That is why you are my greatest student.”

Christian pinked. “Oh, I… I didn’t… that is something, I suppose.”

“Explain what you mean so we can get out of here, Caemorn,” Julian said with a nervous glance at the roof.

He could see the shattered moons above them. Chunks of them were streaking towards the Ever Dark. If they were here when the chunks hit it would be over like it had been over for the dinosaurs.

“You have a chance to know the future and still you are impatient,” Caemorn scolded, but it was mild and affectionate.“That hasn’t changed. Always moving. Always wanting to explore. Not much for explanations. Show don’t tell, Caemorn. That’s what you always tell me.”

Julian and Christian exchanged a look. Did they believe this closeness with Caemorn? He could tell that Christian was curious. He was, too, if he admitted it to himself. Julian had been thrilled to see him before the Kaly thing. Was it so hard to believe that they had a future as close friends?

“But I need to talk about the past, not the future,” Caemorn said. “And I think thatshowingwould be better than telling in any case. Christian, it’s time for you to learn something that not even Balthazar knows how to do yet. Or I should say that he doesn’trememberyet.”

“You can teach me this even though it's an Eyros gift?” Christian asked.

“I have come to know much of the Eyros gift.” Caemorn nodded and extended a hand to Julian’s best friend. “Take my hand and take Julian’s. My memories will pass from me to the two of you. You’ll see how it was. You’ll understand.”

“We’re going to have to really trust you here to do this,” Julian pointed out.

“Yes, that’s true. But you’re a risk taker. Both of you. This is just one more risk for incredible rewards.” Caemorn waggled his fingers.

“I see no lie in his mind. No malice either,” Christian said.