Even before he had finished the sentence a gate blazed unanchored to anything but the floor. A blazing portal.

“That’s new,” Balthazar said as he tilted his head towards the gate. “You needed Fiona and the crew to go to Earth to access the other parts of the Ever Dark.”

“Life is about change,” Daemon said with a smile. “Continual change.”

Balthazar could see Destiny through the gate and he froze. Time stood still then reversed. Like Lasting, Solace and Nightvallen, Destiny was made of that lovely, softly glowing white stone. The city curved around a silvery lake that reflectedthe twin moons above. Graceful towers speared the heavens. Each was lit with an eternal flame, blue-white and lovely.

“The light of the mind,” Balthazar found himself saying.

Christian looped his arm through Balthazar’s. “The flame in that tower is a different color than the rest.”

Instead of the blue-white flames like in the other towers, this central tower had a purplish-black flame that was almost invisible against the night sky.

“The remaining part of me is there with Fiona,” Caemorn said as he stepped to the other side of Balthazar.

Daemon offered his arm to Julian who jumped up from his throne. Sophia and Seeyr also rose up. Arcius was practically charging towards the gate, but stopped just short of going through it.

“Are you all coming?” Balthazar asked.

“Of course,” Daemon said.

“We need to see the end. I’ve been picturing it for so very long.” Seeyr touched the clean, silk bandage that covered her missing eyes.

“Go ahead, Balthazar. We will follow,” Daemon told him.

Balthazar tightened his hold on Christian. He met his fledgling’s gaze. Christian nodded and faith in him flowed over their bond. Balthazar strode forward with Christian and Caemorn followed briskly by Arcius. The moment he stepped foot in Destiny, Balthazar drew in a deep breath as if he finally could. Snow drifted down from the sky and his breath frosted the clear air.

“Beautiful,” Christian murmured as he looked up at Destiny’s towers.

“It will be even more so when I get that spider out of my attic,” Balthazar said, glaring at the central tower with the purple flame.

There were two figures up there. Roan-Kaly and Fiona. The tower was over 100 feet tall. It was going to be a little anticlimactic if they had to climb up all the stairs or even if they jumped their way up. He should have asked one of the Wyvern Vampires to come right with them and--Between one moment and the next they were on top of the tower.

Thank you, King Daemon, Balthazar said.

Thank Julian. He was the one who did it. I wanted to see if he could teleport others without touching them,Daemon said.

I… that was… you’ve got a lot of confidence in him,Balthazar laughed.

I do. As I do in you,Daemon answered.

Aren’t you joining us?Balthazar asked as he realized that neither Daemon or Julian were up on the tower with him, Christian, Caemorn and Arcius.

Don’t wait on us. We’re taking our time,Daemon told him.

“Fiona! Let her go, Roan!” Arcius roared and made to reach for an ax that wasn’t there. He growled in fury when his hand came back empty.

He was screaming at Roan-Kaly who had Fiona in front of him, one arm around her neck, even though he had her mind. Using physical strength showed a lack of confidence. Weakness actually. Balthazar found himself smiling. At least until he saw the look of muted rage and fear and pain on Fiona’s face. Sweat trailed down from her hairline as she struggled mentally to free herself. Wyvern was a creature of the air. Holding her in one place like this was wrong.

Arcius balled his massive hands into pile-driver sized fists and rushed Roan-Kaly. He used his mental abilities as a shield that would knock Roan-Kaly back.

“Arcius, no!” Balthazar cried.

Attacking Roan-Kaly when he had such a hold of Fiona’s mind could hurther. Roan-Kaly could snap her sanity. ButArcius was beyond reason seeing his lover in the hands of their monstrous Master.

But Roan-Kaly didn’t harm Fiona. He didn’t have to. With a dry laugh, Roan-Kaly sent a wave of mental control at Arcius. The mental shield knockedmostof it to the side, but not all. Arcius veered just slightly off course. A wobble. Just a little wobble. But it was enough.

Arcius let out a yell of rage as he barrelled right past Roan-Kaly and Fiona. He would have kept going, but for Balthazar returning control to him at the last moment. As it was, Arcius was able to stop his forward momentum, but he teetered on the edge of the tower. Christian moved like lightning and grabbed the back of Arcius’ robes, pulling him firmly back onto the stone tower.