“So why did the flames rise and the doors open foryou?” Lisette asked, gesturing towards the palace.
“He must still be serving Kaly!” Someone shouted.
“Oh, no, he took out Artemis-Kaly!” Balthazar said with a laugh that had the Kaly Vampires staring.
“Thank you so much forsharingthat, Balthazar,” Caemorn replied dryly
And he was both grateful Balthazar had and annoyed that he had. Which was par for the course with Balthazar. But it was also par for the course that Balthazar could read the room and know what had to be said. So he realized his annoyance was irrational and part of his shame and need to control all things. But he didn’t have to. Christian and Balthazar had his back.
“What do you mean? How could you… Artemis is Kaly… an Immortal…” Lisette’s forehead furrowed.
“Artemis was a copy, aslice, of Kaly, if you will. The real Artemis’ soul was replaced at some point long ago and Kaly used his body. Roan Tithe wasalsoa slice of Kaly,” Caemorn slowly explained.
Every set of silver eyes were upon him. No blinking. No breathing. Just complete focus.
You’ve got this,Christian whispered in his mind.They already know. They’re just waiting for you to confirm it.
“There are over a dozen of these slices that Kaly allowed to be split off from themselves before the War,” Caemorn continued. “Theseslicesof Kaly started to go mad.”
Even though it had not seemed like they were breathing before, it felt like there was a collective intake of breath. Madness for Kalys wascommon. It was a risk. Not quite as bad a risk as it was for Seeyr Vampires. But it was seen as a weakness if a Kaly Vampire went mad. It meant that they were unfit to understand the great secrets of the universe that were granted to them. To admit--or perhapsconfirm--thatKalyhad gone mad was, to some, saying that Kaly was weak. To others, it made them afraid that if Kaly could fall into insanity then all of them could.
“They refused to be integrated to avoid this fate. And, after a time, it was impossible for thetrueKaly--thecoreof Kaly--to accept them back without assistance and great risk,” Caemorn explained and he went quiet.
His eyes slid to Balthazar who was looking out coolly at the crowd. He was certain that the Eyros Vampire was reading every mind, looking for every objection, determining how to counter it. Balthazar was doing this forhim. Because making sure that he kept power in his own Bloodline was not something that Balthazar needed to do in order to stop his other selves. It would be a fit punishment if he lost everything considering what he had cost everyone through his experimentation.
It was a mistake,Balthazar said.
You didn’t intend any of this to happen,Christian added.
You’re fixing it. It’s all you can do,Balthazar concluded.
“And then…” Caemorn swallowed, “the core Kalydied. Killed in the War.”
The Kaly Vampires were all statues. They didn’t think this death was a bad thing. It was the ultimate adventure. The ultimate experiment. That he had comeback…
You’re a rockstar, Caemorn,Balthazar chuckled.You got it now. You came back. You returned from a place that they haven’t--and can’t--go and return.
You’re their leader,Christian stated.As you should be.
“But all of this was part of aplan,” Caemorn said, the words suddenly slipping through his lips like silk. “Eyros, Seeyr and I put it together. We knew that two of us would die. Seeyr would be imprisoned. Terrible things would be done in the War and after. Eyros and I would return and not know ourselves for a time. Not remembering what we were supposed to do. But now we do remember. We do know. And we have started the endgame.”
“You…” Lisette murmured.
Caemorn’s eyes swept the crowd. It had grown as he had spoken as more and more Kalys heard the palace was open and that it had opened forhim. They were waiting on the next words. But those words didn’t come from him. Yet it was so perfect from where they did come from.
“Kaly,” Daemon said his name with affection and warmth. “I hope you do not mind if Julian and I join you for your preparations to return the Harrows. I have always learned much watching you extend the range of your gift.”
And there it was. In a simple greeting all doubt was taken away, all understanding was in place.
He was Kaly.
Everyone turned to see the Vampire King and his Prince standing at the back of the crowd, arm in arm. Julian’s eyes were lit with hope and excitement. He would get his parents back.
We should have told you right away, Caemorn, Julian sent.Can you forgive us for not doing so?
There’s nothing to forgive. Was I why you and Christian were so... happy when you returned from Moonfall?Caemorn asked and then immediately regretted it. He knew better than to ask questions that would have bad answers.