“Uh, yeah, yeah, I think so,” Julian sounded breathless. Hefeltheated.
Daemon took him by the hand once more and they ascended to the top floor of the palace. Julian gasped.
“How can this be here? We just talked about it!” Julian cried.
The room was divided into two parts. In one was a massive bed that was covered in cool gray bedding and tons of plump pillows that almost called for Julian’s head to be laid down upon them. There was nothing else in the space. No artwork. No weapons. No mirrors. It was a space of calmness, of peace, of complete rest. And Julian knew that looking up at the stars from that bed with his head nestled on Daemon’s chest would be beyond divine. And the fact that they could sleep with the roof retracted without fear of the sun was stunning.
But it wasn’t that perfect bedroom that called to him. It was the other part of the room that faced the forests, mountains and sea beyond. It was nearly a replica of his father’s study back on Earth, except it was sleeker with monitors and powerful computers and cameras and scanners and… It waseverythinghe and Christian would need to work here.
Julian advanced over to it and touched the U-shaped desk. The wood was smooth under his fingertips and familiar with scratches he remembered making. The electronics smelled faintly of ozone. He recognized them. They werehiscomputers. There were bookcases that formed the “room” for his work. They didn’t, of course, block that incredible, inspiring view. They were fromhishome on Earth, but there were alsonewvolumes that dared his fingers to open them. Julian turned around to see Daemon leaning negligently at one of the bookcases smiling.
“How?” Julian asked simply.
“The Ever Dark provides for her prince,” Daemon answered. “It was brought here.”
“How?” Julian laughed. “Through a gate? By whom? You? When?”
“You wish it were here, do you not?” Daemon asked.
Julian nodded. He had actually been regretting not going back to his and Christian’s house before they left. But that had been impossible because of the humans. There weren’t exactly electronics stores in the Ever Dark so he had hoped to cobble something together from the things that Balthazar’s people brought. But these were his and Christian’s things. He realized there were even their go-bags.
“Were my clothes downstairs as well?” Julian asked.
“They’re being brought by Balthazar’s people so there was no need to short circuit that process. But everything from your home that you want will be here when you need it,” Daemon answered.
Julian shook his head. Amazed. Stunned and not sure if he could believe this was happening.
Daemon came to him and put his hands on Julian’s shoulders. “What you need, whatever you want, you will find here. This is your home now, Julian. Fully and completely.”
Julian embraced Daemon. “My parents… they’ll find their things here, too, won’t they?”
“They will be taken care of,” Daemon assured him.
Julian shut his eyes for long moments. He couldn’t believe that such joy was his. When he opened them, he saw over Daemon’s shoulder that through sliding doors there was a huge corner terrace with views of the city and forest. There werecomfortable chaise lounges and low tables. Julian could easily imagine sprawling on them. But there was something even better than those things. Two things actually.
“Pool,” Julian murmured. “And a hot tub. That’s a nice addition.”
“I’m glad you approve,” Daemon murmured against his throat.
The vibrations of those lips against his skin had a pleasurable shiver running through Julian. With a playful grin, he said, “You did promise to make love to me in that pool, didn’t you?”
Daemon held him closer. “And I always keep my promises.”
Julian lifted off his shirt at the same time he was toeing off his boots. Only vampire athleticism stopped him from falling over as he hopped on one foot towards the pool. Daemon chuckled behind him, seemingly content to simply watch the view of him getting naked. Julian didn’t mind. He wanted to dive into that pool while having the twin moons above him. Somehow that would make him feel more connected to this place, make it more real, that he should be doing something as mundane as swimming.
He shucked his pants and underwear off, leaving them in a pile on the ground. Totally naked, the cool air of the Ever Dark embraced him. His nipples peaked and he had that electric feel of being cold, but that was as much as the temperature did for him. It was a minor discomfort.
He walked over the rest of the way to the pool on bare feet. The pavers were smooth under the soles of his feet. The pool had a black and blue slate bottom. Glowing gold crystals lined channels along the sides. There were graceful, half-moon shaped steps that led into the pool. He stepped on the first one and an inch of water covered his feet. He let out a moan.
“It’s warm!” he called to Daemon over his shoulder.
“Of course! I wouldn’t have a chilly fledgling,” Daemon answered.
The Vampire King was sitting on the edge of a lounge and pulling off his boots rather languidly. He was clearly enjoying being home.
Julian went down the steps until the water reached his waist. It was glorious. The pool was rectangular and fifty feet long with an infinity edge. There was a hot tub in the center. Water from the hot tub flowed into the pool, which likely explained the pool’s warmth. He let himself sink down so that he was underwater up to his neck. He moaned again with pleasure.