“I…” Caemorn swallowed and, for a moment, his mask slipped. “You can call me whatever you like.”

“Christian, you told me that you didn’t know how to reach people. But here’s another of your lost lambs that needs you,” Balthazar said with a small smile.

“Lost lambs?” Caemorn’s eyes flared a little.

“Ignore him about that!” Christian searched Caemorn’s face. “Open your mind.”


“Open. Your. Mind. I want to show you something. I want to share something with you. I think I can do it,” Christian said.

“I’d do as he asks, Caemorn,” Balthazar chuckled. “He’ll never leave you alone until you do.”

Christian felt Caemorn’s mind open just a little, ready to receive, but not give information. Christian closed his eyes and shared the memory of meeting Caemorn in Moonfall. He shared the clear friendship between him, Julian and Caemorn. He shared Caemorn’s evident love and trust. He shared his power and the knowledge that Caemorn was Kaly and was content.

Christian gasped as he felt a wave of dizziness hit him as the memory ended and he disengaged from Caemorn’s mind. Balthazar caught him and held him upright. He opened his eyes. Caemorn’s expression was no longer blank. The cold, still expression was gone from his face. Confusion and longing were there.

“Is that true? Yes, it is, but I…” Caemorn shook himself. “I have to be open to it.”

“That is the future,” Christian told him. “You’re Kaly and everything is fine. You’re not a monster.”

“I wouldn’t go that far, Christian,” Caemorn said with a faint, yet sad smile. “But I use what I am to keep you and Julian safe.”

The bear nudged Caemorn again, but this time, he patted its head. He straightened and shook himself. He looked a bit lost.

“Come on, we need to check out the Eyros Palace,” Balthazar said to him. “And I’m betting that you won’t be satisfied with the rooms I pick.” Caemorn glanced back at the body that had once housed a piece of him. Balthazar said to the other three, “Pick that up and… well, put it somewhere for now. We’ll deal with it later.”

“I should go back to the Kaly Palace,” Caemorn said, but he didn’t sound like his heart was in it. “I--”

“Need to be among friends,” Balthazar said and clapped his shoulder. “That can wait.”

Caemorn lifted an eyebrow, but then his gaze went to the Eyros Palace. He looked at it critically. “You are right. I need to pick my room. You’d pick something too exposed.”

“Eh, what’s hidden from an Eyros? Nothing.” With one glance back at Artemis, Balthazar added, “Remind me not to make you angry, Caemorn.”

Caemorn smiled at him. “You do all the time, Balthazar.”

“Well, notthatangry then,” Balthazar huffed.

That smile grew. “Never, my friend, never.”


“Should we try them out?” Julian’s eyes sparkled up at him. “The thrones, I mean.”

“We should,” Daemon agreed, grinning back at his fledgling.

He was glad that Julian wanted to take his princely seat. He knew that being in such a position--not a position of leadership as Julian excelled there--but beingroyaland all the attendant duties that came with that unnerved his fledgling. Julian was not comfortable with being set above others. His approachability would be a good thing, but he had to understand that he was someone greater.

Julian looped his left arm through Daemon’s right one and they advanced down the length of the throne room. Their footstepsclickedas they walked over the marble floor. Julian’s eyes scanned the room, his arm tightening on Daemon’s, the nearer they got to the dais.

“There’s no dust. The floor is shiny!” Julian remarked as they reached the steps up to the thrones.

“Oh, yes, of course,” Daemon remarked a little distractedly.

He wanted to see how it would feel to have Julian sit beside him. He had been dreaming about it for so long. Howmany times had he sat on his throne imagining having his own fledgling? One he could teach and spoil and treasure. A fledgling that would do great things and make mistakes, too. A fledgling that would cling to him but also do things on their own. A fledgling that would challenge him as much as learn from him. Julian was all of these things and more.

Julian let out a laugh. “Of course? Let me guess, it’s all part of the Ever Dark welcoming us? Does it clean itself? Make sure there aren’t any dust bunnies under the beds or spiderwebs in the corners?”