Artemis tried to give a confident smile, but it withered on the vine. “Me… I… Caemorn…”
“What’s my name?” Caemorn asked.
Caemorn seemed to grow in stature all of the sudden. He was tall but he seemed bigger than before. His shadow stretched longer. His coat began to flutter around him in an unseen wind as he took one step towards Artemis.
“I am your Master. Your name is whatever I give you,” Artemis tried to sound commanding, but his voice was reedy and thin.
“What is my name?” Caemorn repeated.
He advanced another few steps. Now, not only his shadow, but all shadows grew longer. The light retreated between him and Artemis to a thin line that illuminated a path between them. Christian thought he saw one of those silvery strings that connect souls. Christian reached for Balthazar’s nearest hand and clutched it. Balthazar held his hand just as tightly.
“You are behaving foolishly, Caemorn!” Artemis’ voice was now shrill. “I wouldn’t come near me, if I were you!”
Caemorn, of course, did not listen to a word Artemis said, but was now just two feet from the other Kaly Vampire. Heloomed over Artemis who was striving not to cower, but failing miserably at it.
“I’ll tell you my name,” Caemorn stated in that cold, dreadful voice. His silver eyes glittered and the silver cord between him and Artemis quivered.
“No,” Artemis whispered and clutched the center of his chest where the cord was connected. “No, you can’t. You can’t!”
“My name isKalyand I rule you!” Caemorn proclaimed.
He reached forward and touched Artemis’ forehead. There was a wail that shook the ground. A shockwave exploded out from the slender, child-like figure. There was a burst of silver light. Caemorn absorbed the light.
Artemis still stood there for a moment.
And then toppled over in a lifeless heap.
The shadows returned to normal. Christian felt he could breathe again. He took a step towards Caemorn’s back.
“Caemorn?” Christian called.
The Kaly Vampire’s mind was curiously smooth and blank. It was a shield, Christian realized, that was keeping him out. He felt like making a mournful sound like the bear made now as it once more nudged Caemorn’s thigh.
“Caemorn?” Christian called again.
Balthazar tugged him back as he’d taken another step towards the still, silent figure.
“No! We can’t let him feel alone now, Balthazar! He has to know that he’s still our friend!” Christian cried.
Instead of trying to break free of Balthazar’s grip, he dragged the Eyros Vampire towards Caemorn. Just as they were a few feet away, Caemorn swung around. His expression was mild, but blank. He was hiding all of his feelings.
“You said you didn’t think I was crazy, Balthazar,” Caemorn said. “But you look a little concerned.”
“Well, I didn’t expect you to suck the crazy in.” Balthazar tilted his head towards the body. “Are you… are you all right?”
Caemorn lifted an eyebrow. “I am quite fine.”
“Caemorn! Don’t!” Christian reached for him.
Caemorn tried to withdraw, but Christian was too quick for him and caught his right forearm. He felt a flash of warmth and warning from the Kaly Vampire.
“Christian, I think--”
“Don’t,” Christian said with a violent shake of his head. “Don’t leave us like this. Don’t retreat. Don’t pretend you don’t need us too.”
“You need me? I don’t think--”
“We do,” it was Balthazar who spoke. “Caemorn… or do you want to be called Kaly now?”