“So will you be staying in the Wyvern Palace or the Eyros one?” Balthazar teased.
Arcius blushed and he didn’t blush. “I think I shall have a home in both. Plus, King Daemon indicated to me that there is a wonderful place for a new temple and--”
“I’m happy for you, old friend.” Balthazar put a hand on Arcius’ shoulder. “You and Fiona.”
Another blush on the berserker's face. “Yes, well, you see I saw her as my student for so long and then I realized she was far beyond me. She made me see that.”
“You couldn’t take advantage of anyone if you tried, let alone Fiona.” Balthazar shook his head.
“But it’s still a good thing that he considered it,” Christian said. “Better to be safe than sorry.”
“True.” Balthazar nodded. “Elgar, do you want to come with Christian and I to the palace or wait here with Arcius and Fiona, when she gets back?”
“I will remain. Your palace must be perfect for you. I will ensure this,” Elgar said without looking up at him.
Balthazar’s heart ached a little. Elgar was his fledgling and he did adore him. But he wasn’t sure how to help him.
“I am fine, Master. I promise,” Elgar said, catching his thoughts. He smiled broader at the skull. “I am very happy.”
“All right. If you say you are, I’ll believe you. I won’t press so long as you promise to be honest with me,” Balthazar told him.
Elgar nodded at the skull. “I will always be honest with you, Master. I am like a glass through which you can see fully.”
Balthazar still wasn’t sure he was satisfied, but it was as much as he thought he should do at the moment. He clapped Arcius’ shoulder again. “Take care of him, won’t you?”
Arcius put a hand over his heart. “With all I am, Balthazar.”
Another squeeze before he broke off and swung around towards Caemorn.
“Don’t think we’ve forgotten about you,” Balthazar said. “Will you be staying with us? Or heading to the creepy Kaly Palace by your lonesome?”
Caemorn arched an eyebrow. “By your tone, it appears you seem to think I would belonelygoing to the Kaly Palace by myself. I assure you that you are quite mistaken. I like my own company.”
“You and your bear,” Balthazar said with a meaningful look at the skeletal bear that was nibbling on Caemorn’s robes.
“The bear’s behavior is affection for its Master. I did not inculcate in it the need to--to--”
“Adore you?” Balthazar asked. “Be your boon companion? Make sure you’re never alone--”
“I am most happy alone!” Caemorn growled.
“Damn, well, I was really hoping you’d stay with us,” Balthazar said, knowing his words--and genuine request--would stump Caemorn.
He wasn’t wrong. Caemorn blinked very slowly at him. If Caemorn were a cat that would mean he loved Balthazar. But his Blood Brother was just incredibly confused and hiding it so as not to appear weak.
Christian was suddenly by his side. “We realize that you likely have to establish your place over at the palace--or you think you do--but I agree with Balthazar that I’d like you with us.”
Caemorn stopped blinking and a faint smile crossed his lips. “Yes, well, you are correct, Christian, that if I don’t claim a space as mine, the other Kaly will take it.”
“Must have the best,” Balthazar said but without a sting.
“Yes, and as we won’t be having an Immortal come and reside there, I think I shall definitely oblige myself with those quarters,” Caemorn said.
Christian snorted or maybe it was a controlled sneeze that was hiding a nervous laugh. Balthazar frowned slightly. He had no idea why what Caemorn had said was so hysterically funny or why Christian didn’t want the Kaly Vampire to know it was funny.
“Yes, well, I’ll mark out some good territory for you in my palace,” Balthazar said.
A slight lifting of Caemorn’s eyebrow. “That would be welcome. I will also make sure that Christian has a place with me as we train.”