“Really why so surprised? Oh, you thought we wouldallbe bad,” Balthazar said with a sigh as he clearly read the colonel’s mind. “Still, you could have come to the door andknocked. You didn’t have to arrive in a bunch of unmarked vans. That’s hardly friendly.”
“We had no reason to think you were friendly,” O’Connor grunted.
“Still not sure of that,” Katherine remarked.
“We came here because we see you as a threat to national security. If you think by capturing us that this ends things or something, I’ve got news for you. There are plenty more of usand if we don’t check in, they’ll come!” The colonel jabbed a finger at each one of them.
“Oh, we’re aware,” Rajani said sweetly.
“You’ve got moles in the government?” The colonel’s eyes narrowed.
“We have people everywhere,” Rajani smiled broadly as she said this.
The three humans shifted uncomfortably.
Eyros, I want our people to sleep in the Ever Dark from now on,Daemon said as he regarded the humans evenly.I believe things are going to get messy before they clear up.
Balthazar gave a quick nod and shut his eyes. Julian heard the command go out. It was like a shiver over his skin.
King Daemon commands that every Vampire return to the Ever Dark to sleep. Earth can only be accessed during nighttime hours,Balthazar sent,Further instructions will be forthcoming as we deal with humanity.
Julian could have sworn that a breeze swept through the room. But it was only a mental one as Balthazar sent the orders to every single Vampire. Balthazar’s eyes opened and he was smiling.
“I’m getting quite good at that,” Balthazar said.
“At what?” Katherine asked.
“Never mind. It’s our time to question you.” Balthazar wagged a finger at her. “So your grand plan was to storm my home and lock up everyone you found? And then what? Dissect us? Interrogate us? Oh, dear, I see you meant to do all of that. Well, that’s not good. Quite bloodthirsty ofyou, I might add.”
We’ll be starting the Whisper campaign tonight,Daemon sent to all at the table, but the humans.
Shall I summon Elgar?Balthazar asked.
Not quite yet. Let’s see how much more forthcoming they are about their motivations,Daemon said as he reached over and took Julian’s clenched left hand and stroked the back of it.
Julian hadn’t realized he was clenching both fists and shaking a little at what the humans had been planning. If theyhadcome during the day, things might have ended up just as they wanted them.
It is all right, my Childe,Daemon soothed.I would never have allowed that to happen. What Kaly did was necessary to bring us together. These are mere children. Infants really. They cannot hurt us.
But they wanted to!Julian found himself crying.
We are not like them. We do not simply destroy out of fear,Daemon reminded him and that had Julian flushing.
He had wanted to strike out because of anger and, yes,fearof what the humans could have done. But was that not the same thing these three were doing? Would he be any better if he did?
We must expect this response at first,Daemon explained.Unlike you, who were open to the idea of Vampires, they are not there yet. They see us as weapons, not another species they are encountering. Kaly did accomplish much here.
Kaly… we really need to tell Caemorn the truth!
Yes, my Childe, we will. Tomorrow evening in Nightvallen. He’ll know everything,Daemon said.
Julian focused himself on the three humans again “Why would you think to harm us without finding out more first?” He leaned forward so that both clenched fists were on the table, his purple eyes flashed red for a moment. “Just attacking blindly before you understand what is going on is a sound strategy in your opinion?”
“Do you really blame us?” Katherine asked as she rubbed her hands together as if chilled. “The things you can do… how can we ever be safe with you?”
“Safe? Humans are hardly safe from one another!” Elizabeth pointed out. “Simply having the ability to harm doesn’t give you the right to simply storm into a private home and--”
“Your son is one of them! You can’t possibly be able to speak about this rationally!” O’Connor scoffed.