“I think Meffy needs treats,” Balthazar said with a frown. “He’s tiring himself out. He needs more energy.”

Although things could get a little too ridiculous...

Fiona sighed as she pushed off of the wall. “I’ll get them. Anything else?”

“Water. Meffy needs water,” Balthazar insisted.

“How do you know that? Are you guessing?” Christian asked even as Balthazar’s arm snuck around his waist and pulled him close. “Or are you reading Meffy’s mind?”

“Trying,” Balthazar admitted. “But his mind is… well, it’s like that bit of ribbon all over the place. But I definitely think water and treats are in order.”

“Is that aVampirecat?” Colonel Monroe asked. He was a man in his late fifties with a buzz cut of gray hair. He had a craggy face with acne scars pitting his cheeks. Heavy lips and a broad nose completed the picture.

“Vampire cat? He’d love that, but alas, no, cats can’t be turned,” Balthazar said with a put upon sigh.

Julian was certain that Balthazar would be so devastated when Meffy died that he might have Caemorn animate the bones for him. That would be a little creepy, but Julian could totally see it happening.

“So cat treats and water. I’ll be right back,” Fiona said and teleported.

All the humans except Christian’s parents started when Fiona disappeared.

“I never thought I would see the day when she would get you anything, Eyros,” Seeyr chuckled. “You’ve been pulling her hair for as long as we’ve been together.”

Balthazar kissed Christian’s nearest temple as he said, “She’s succumbed to my charms.”

“Don’t let her hear you say that,” Arcius warned with a rumble, “or you’ll find crushed cat treats in your bed.”

“Ugh, could you remind her that it’smybed, too, Arcius?” Christian requested.

“I shall,” Arcius promised, which had Christian smiling and Balthazar scowling.

“Well, youaremy better half, Christian, so I suppose I won’t take offense that Arcius wouldn’t defend me to her,” Balthazar lilted.

“You can defend yourself quite well.” Arcius stroked his beard.

He was in his full-on all leather and spiked collar Order regalia with his big, bare arms revealed by the leather sleeveless shirt. The CIA Special Operative Steven O’Connor seemed fascinated with his bulging muscles, though not in a romantic way. Arcius was big, so was Daemon, but Arcius looked like a berserker from the past, which he, in fact, was.

From a brief glance into his mind, Julian found O’Connor sizing up the Vampires in the room and was finding each one an oddity. The only similarity between them was thepredatoriness. But not all were muscle-bound like Arcius. Rajani seemed a slip of a thing, but O’Connor was sure she’d shiv him as much as smile at him. He found Seeyr utterly unnerving, certain she’d poison the water in front of him. Fiona, with her ability to appear and disappear at the drop of a hat, was most certainly some kind of assassin.

Balthazar was a dangerous playboy type that would appear all languid and dreamy before becoming razor sharp and deadly. Christian seemed like a sweet boy who would strangle him the moment his back was turned. Daemon was… O’Connor wasn’t sure what Daemon was. But Daemon appeared the most inhuman.

And as to Julian himself, he found Julian the most dangerous, which shocked Julian utterly. The reason? Julian appeared so likable, not ordinary by any means, but someone people would want to have a beer with, hang out with and listen to. Julian, in O’Connor’s eyes, was athreatof the highest order.

“So no cat Vampires,” the colonel remarked. “That’s… something.”

“Have you noticed the dead animalswalkingabout among the troops, Colonel? I don’t think I’m relieved that they can’t turn a kitten into a Vampire,” FBI Special Agent in Charge Katherine Goddell remarked.

She was holding herself rigidly. Her arms were crossed over her chest. She did not let her elbows, or any other part of her, touch the table. Julian had an idea that she thought the whole place was contaminated somehow.

“I did see the bear-thing, yes,” the colonel remarked slowly.

“I know it's a shock,” Christian’s mother, Elizabeth, said with an understanding smile. “Vampires are real! Who knew?”

“Evidently, your son’s best friend knew,” Katherine Goddell remarked with a lifted eyebrow.

“Yes, and his parents knew… know,” Elizabeth said as her gaze grew distant.

Julian reached into his pocket where his parents’ soul gems were. Caemorn had already promised to start the process of freeing his parents the next night. This one was already packed full. Besides, it would take incredible time and energy to accomplish this, but Julian had no doubt that Caemorn could do it now. His parents would be returned to him.