Fiona and Arcius, along with a bunch of other Wyvern Vampires, appeared and disappeared after stealing weaponry. Some of them even stole clothing likepants. It appeared that Balthazar was not the only one intent on being ridiculous.
But then came the howls of real wolves as the Weryn got in on the act. Packs of wolves--double the size of regular ones--surged through the soldiers, tackling them and taking them down. Huge flocks of ravens circled and dive-bombed the soldiers, causing them to drop whatever weapons they had left and cower on the ground.
Lightning and thunder rippled across the sky as the Horys Vampires joined in. The sky split open as if the gods themselves were angry at the soldiers. Lightning struck vehicles that exploded all around them. Daemon used the Ashry gift of telekinesis to make sure that they and no one else were struck by the flying vehicles or debris. They walked through the insanity without any of it touching them.
Siryn Vampire voices were then raised that had the humans falling unconscious or simply handing their weapons over to the Vampires with tears of gratitude in their eyes. Helm Vampires turned invisible and played with the soldiers, causing them to tryto fight what they could not see. Holy water was splashed on one of the Helm who angrily exclaimed, “You got my shirt wet! Ah, this is silk! It’s ruined now!”
Daemon and Julian walked past.
Mirryr Vampires took on the shapes of the human soldiers, making the humans think that they were with their brethren, only to see them flash fangs. Or sometimes the Mirryr Vampires would take on the appearance of the human they were fighting which caused shouts of shock and fear and humans stumbling away.
He and Julian kept walking until they were well past the “fighting”. It really wasn’t fighting as no one had gotten hurt and no one would. The Vampires were having fun using their gifts without regard to being seen. While last night at the museum had been freeing, tonight was a full free for all.
Soon, the street was clear of Vampires and humans and it was just him and Julian walking under the stars. The vans with the leaders weren’t that far away, but Daemon enjoyed simply being with his Childe.
“Moonfall,” Julian began, then paused, then asked, “that won’t ever really come to pass, will it?”
Daemon felt Julian’s fear. Fear forhim. His Childe was understanding that he and the Ever Dark were not so separate after all.
“You need not worry about that. Where there is creation there must be destruction and vice versa,” Daemon explained, which he knew would not completely satisfy his clever fledgling.
“I just don’t want you to ever…” Julian stopped. His arm tightened on Daemon’s. “I just never want to…”
“You won’t. I will never leave you. I swear it.” Another kiss.
“Those are the vans, yeah? I can hear them freaking out inside,” Julian said as they approached two more vans. “Theyaren’t seeing us, are they? No, you’re using Helm! I didn’t know you could use it on me, too?”
“Yes, they have no idea we’re here,” Daemon said. “Not yet.”
From inside the vans, he heard a man in a gruff voice asking, “What’s going on out there? Someone report! Report! Jesus Christ, Donovan, what’s the situation?”
“I’m only hearing screaming, sir. There’s so much screaming,” a female voice told him.
“We need to call in air support!” another man cried.
“What about the surrounding homes? We couldn’t do that and expect zero casualties!” the woman objected.
“We should have come during the day! Daylight would have been our friend!” another man shouted.
“We need them to pull back! PULL BACK!” the first man screamed.
“Shall we put them out of their misery, Julian?” Daemon asked.
Julian nodded.
With the Ashyr gift of telekinesis, Daemon flung the doors to the vans open, revealing the shocked people within. Terrified faces looked towards them. Daemon had allowed the Helm gift to end and he and Julian were quite visible.
“Good evening,” Daemon said simply, “Would you take me to your leader, please?”
Christian threaded his way through the soldiers in the garden. They seemed to populate almost every chair, bench, bit of grass around him, and the house was even more packed from what he could see.
The “battle” hadn’t lasted very long. The soldiers had been unarmed quickly by the Wyvern. The Weryn and the Ashyr Vampires had pinned the soldiers in place after they had been disarmed. A wolf growling in one’s face would do that. Not to mention invisible bonds holding one immobile did that, too. There were also Caemorn’s skeleton animals which had the soldiers so freaked out that they had frozen in place.
The Siryn had then swept in and sung the soldiers to sleep so that they could be easily carried from the streets and brought into the estate so that no civilians could see them. The soldiers were awake now, but the Siryn were humming calming songs and Eyros were seeded among them in case they tried to do something foolish. Though with their leaders all captured and in Vampire hands--both those that Julian and Daemon had found in the vans and the ones that they had found in the midst of the fighting--Christian thought they had enough reason to stay put.
Their means of escape were also limited as their vans were already being driven out of sight and stored in garages owned by Vampires all around the city. If one simply looked at the streets surrounding the Manor, it was as if the raid had never happened.