“What are you talking about?” Eyros’ eyes narrowed.

“I’ve been experimenting,” Kaly said, their voice low and melodious. “I went too far.”

A snort from Eyros. “What a surprise! You going too far? Never! Please!” Eyros shook his head in disgust. “And yet youstillrefuse to take responsibility. AnotherKalydid this. Not you! But someone else–”

“Not me. Not exactly me. My slices,” Kaly interrupted.

“Slices?” Eyros scoffed.

“You are quick to blamemefor this War, Eyros. But all of the Immortals played a part in this disaster, didn’t we? None of us is without blood on our hands except for Ashyr, but that’s only because my slices killed him first. Weryn has gone mad and is slaughtering everyone he can see. You believe you’re too clever and are trying to control all of us only to control no one, including yourself. Wyvern, Mirryr and Helm are hidingor running off.” There was a sneer on that lovely face. “I could list how all of us failed and have become our worst selves from the moment Daemon went to sleep. My slices have been taking advantage of our predictability.”

“And things will only get worse,” Seeyr murmured.

Eyros’ gaze snapped between her and Kaly as if uncertain which person was saying something more concerning. He finally settled on Kaly..

“Slices? What are you talking about, Kaly?” Eyros asked again.

“I split my soul into parts. Many parts,” Kaly explained.

“You did what?” Eyros’ eyes went huge.

“There are dozens of me out there. Too many to count really. I didn’t notice the warning signs that eachsliceof me wasn’t as complete as I was and that they were hiding things from me,” Kaly continued with a shake of their head. “Each one has become more and moreunstable. That’s why they started this War. That’s why they keep killing.”

“You’re unstable when you’re whole! And you decided to slice that tattered mind of yours into dozens of pieces?” Eyros shook his head in disgust.

“They have gone beyond me. They have their own ideas. Their own destinies or so they think,” Kaly replied wearily. “But I believe that this War would have occurred even without their interference–”

“Oh, that’s rather arrogant of you--”

“But it’s true. You won’t see it. You won’t believe it, which is why I’m more than certain that it would have happened,” Kaly interrupted Eyros with a grimace. “But I admit that my slicesdidstart it. I tried to stop them, but they’ve gone beyond my reach. I am seen as much of an enemy as you are.”

“Because you disagree with what they’ve done?” Seeyr asked.

Kaly nodded after a momentary hesitation.

“Well, how do we fixyourlittle mistake, Kaly?” Eyros demanded. “If I’m inclined to help at all, which I’m not saying I am.”

“We can’t fix it. Not the three of us. At least, not now. Only in the future will I be strong enough to restore myself with Daemon’s support,” Kaly answered.

A bark of laughter left Eyros and he began to pace the field in short, sharp steps. “Daemon?! Daemon’ssupport?! That’salwayswhat you need! Daemon isn’t here, Kaly! He won’t be for centuries! Millennia! You know this! What are we going to do in the meantime?”

It wasn’t Kaly who answered, but Seeyr, “The two of you willdie.”

Eyros slammed to a halt and looked as if someone had brained him with a two by four. Kaly appeared unsurprised, but more weary than anything else.

They both do die. Eyros is reborn as Balthazar. And Kaly is reborn as Caemorn,Julian put together.

“That’s impossible!” Eyros practically stamped his feet, which amused Julian no end. He would have to tell Balthazar about it. “We’re--”

“You will die and be reborn and then rejoin us, completely unaware of who you once were,” Seeyr said as she touched the center of her forehead where the “third-eye” was supposed to reside. “We are too far down this path for any other outcome.”

“Any why are we so far down this road, Seeyr? Why didn’t you warn us? Why didn’t you stop this? I’mnotdying!” Eyros growled, hands fisting at his sides.

Seeyr slowly lowered her head. “You know why, Eyros. I do not use my gift foryourbenefit, but for–”

“Daemon’s,” Kaly whispered. “What does Daemon get from this future?”

“Everything he wants,” Seeyr answered, lifting her eyes to meet both of theirs.