“Your Seeyr gift?” Daemon asked, scrunching his nose.
“Ah, no, you are just atadpredictable about king-stuff,” Julian told him.
Daemon pouted, which got him another kiss, but this one was on the lips.
His mother smiled affectionately at them both. “I didn’t mean that literally, Daemon. We know you rule absolutely. But that also means that whatever Jack and I do will have a huge impact on the power and prestige of whichever Bloodlines we choose.”
“Bloodlines?” His father quirked his right eyebrow upwards. “You’re thinking that we should have different Bloodlines? I was thinking we should have the same Master--”
“Or Mistress?” His mother grinned. “We really need to think about that, too.”
“We do?” His father asked.
“Yes, we do.”
His mother seated herself in one of the overly large chairs, curling one leg beneath her. She and his father were in their “adventure clothes”: khakis with many pockets and long-sleeved shirts that wicked away sweat. Every moment they hadn’t been eating and sleeping, they’d spent with Julian and Christian investigating the city. Julian knew she still wanted to check out some of the Kaly catacombs that night.
“I would hope you guys would be choosing someone orsomeonesyou care about. That fits you. Because you are going to be with them for a long time and it’s…” Julian grimaced. He still had trouble sometimes speaking to his parents as anadult. “Well, it’s intimate! There I said it and I feel my cheeks burning!”
“You’re adorable when you blush!” His mother beamed at him. Sometimes she forgot he was an adult too. But that was okay. He didn’t mind.
“So there’salwayssex between the Master and Mistress and the Childe?” His father looked a littleuneasyat this.
Julian glanced at Daemon. He couldn’t imagine not having sex with Daemon. But, then again, even if he didn’t need the Vampire King’s blood he would want to sleep with him. Hearing that thought, Daemon smiled at him, a smile that promised much sex later.
“Does it always involve sex?” his mother repeated the question as the silence stretched.
“I’m guessing that’s ayes.” His father’s mouth twisted as if he tasted something bitter.
Julian knew that his parents were completely faithful to one another, not that they didn’t understand others who could have polyamorous relationships, but they had always found completeness in one another. A rare and wonderful thing. It was something he found with Daemon.
“There can be a more paternal or maternal love in the relationship,” Daemon finally answered. “But desire is part of what a Vampire is.”
“I don’t want to cheat on my husband,” his mother said flatly.
“I’m the same,” his father answered and took his mother’s hand in his.
“Then the choices you make about who will turn you become that much moredelicate,” Daemon answered. “But it is possible. It can be done.”
“Imustbe done.” His father stared at Daemon. “I know our marriage must seem so inconsequential to you after living so long, but--”
“Not at all.” Daemon slid an arm around Julian’s back. “I went into a deep sleep because I could not bear to be without Julian, remember?”
His parents gazed at Julian with such love that he blushed some more, squirmed and lowered his head.
“Yes, how could we forget that?” his mother murmured.
“Whoever you guys pick, you should love,” Julian said. “We’ll love them, too, because they’re worthy of it if they’ve gained your trust. The politics will take care of itself.”
Daemon kissed his shoulder.
“I think Balthazar would choose us all. He would accept our desire to keep monogamous,” his mother said.
His father though made a face. “I don’t know if Iwantto know what everyone is thinking. Imagine being able to shift into an animal form like those Weryn!”
His mother lifted her eyebrows. “I wouldn’t mind controlling the weather or using telekinesis or raising the dead.”
“Kaly?!” Julian was shocked. Considering everything that had happened to them at the hands of Kaly, he wouldn’t have thought they would consider that Bloodline at all.