“Let us go in first and then…” Caemorn turned to the waiting crowd of Kaly Vampires, “all of you may enter the palace.”

A wash of excitement went through all of them. He knew that quite a few of them had already seen the filled soul gems that were used to light the palace. A firm look at them though made it clear they were not to disturb anything.

“You may look around, but rooms will be assigned. And be aware that the palace is booby trapped,” Caemorn told them. “Do not make me have to bring you back for a Third Life.”

There was a ripple of laughter. It was tittering and disbelieving. None of them would be so foolish as to be caught in atrap. Caemorn sighed. The Harrows might only be thefirsthe was having to bring back that night.

Caemorn gestured for Daemon and Julian to go inside first. Julian looped one arm through Daemon’s while Daemon put a hand on Caemorn’s shoulder as they walked inside. Everyone gazed up at the soul gem ceiling as they passed into the main throne room of the Kaly Palace.

“There’s one of these in Daemon’s palace,” Julian said of the soul gem chandelier. “It’s amazing and--”

“A little creepy!” Balthazar grinned as he said it though.

“The souls of our enemies. It was…isto make a point,” Daemon said quietly. “Everything with you, Kaly, always has multiple layers of meaning. Nothing is left to chance.”

Caemorn took them to the front of the room and the secret staircase. Cold air wafted up. It was tinted with power.

Julian got a little nervous then and said, “We really don’t want to disturb you if you need quiet and to be alone to bring back my parents.”

Caemorn smiled genuinely at him. “It will be good to have you there. You and Christian are their children. It will help anchor them in the bodies I construct.”

“How long is that going to take? With Heath… ah, it took a dozen deaths and a lot of time,” Balthazar pointed out as he stared at the stairwell with little desire to go down there and find out what’s at the bottom.

Caemorn met Daemon’s eyes. “I believe the king, himself, will tell you that we do not need living sacrifices here. We already have all the power we need. Every part of the Kaly Palace is imbued with power. And Daemon was not yet himself fully when he sought to bring back Heath.”

“Meaning that you can do it more quickly without more death?” Christian clarified.

Caemorn inclined his head. “Indeed. I already feel the quickening in the palace. It is prepared for this.”

“Magic,” Balthazar said with another of his grins.

“You’re wondering about the lack of power plants, too,” Julian said with a snort.

“Yes! Not that I’m caring. Since everything works,” Balthazar said.

“And now instead of just heat and light, the magic will create flesh and blood and bone,” Christian said with a touch of awe.

“Indeed,” Daemon said with a secret smile. “Let us go down.”

Caemorn led the way into the chamber beneath the throne room. It wasnotas he had left it. He stopped so abruptly that Balthazar bumped into him.

“Caemorn, what’s… oh, my goodness…” Balthazar breathed.

“What? What is it?” Julian’s voice was tense.

“Nothing is wrong,” Caemorn assured him as he looked up the stairs to see Daemon’s eyes glowing like hot coals. “Come down. You must see.”

He quickly moved more into the room so that the others could filter in. That was so everyone could see. Julian rushed in and then stopped dead, like he had, as he saw what was there.

On top of the smooth, white sarcophagi that held no dead inside, were two figures made out of blue-white light. There was a woman and a man. Both were beautiful. They looked like they were sleeping. The forms were translucent, but Caemorn knew that they were just waiting to take physical form.

“How? Did you… last night? Did you do this?” Julian gasped as he moved over to each of those still figures and circled them.

“Don’t touch them, Julian,” Daemon told him simply.

“I was thinking of them all night. I pictured them lying here. Ready to open their eyes.” Caemorn looked over at Daemon in shock. He had seen this. Envisioned this. Figured it would take time, but it was already done, but for the last step. “Did I do this?”

“Yes, Kaly, you did. Don’t you feel it? This is all you,” Daemon told him with a smile. “Now finish it.”