Caemorn, yes, of course, yes. You told me--showed me--our friendship and how much it has enhanced both of our lives,Julian told him and the warmth just flowed like honey through him.I knew then that everything would not only be okay, but it would be fantastic. Can you feel it too? How you were? How you actually will be?

I… I can...

Caemorn blinked and looked down. Emotions that he was not used to dealing with were rising up from inside of him. Emotions were dangerous for a Kaly Vampire. Especially tender ones like these.

“King Daemon. Prince Julian. We of the Kaly Bloodline are honored to have you both with us,” Caemorn said. “It would be my pleasure to show you all that I do. There are no secrets between us.”

And that last sentence was huge in terms of the Kaly Bloodline, which hid everything from everyone. But from Daemon, he realized, there had never truly been anything secret or hidden. The truth was that he didn’t want to hold anything back from this being. Like with Balthazar, it would be safer if he didn’t. Just in case things went badly.

They are not going to go badly. You would have told Christian and Julian in the future,Balthazar said.

True,Caemorn agreed.

The two of them moved through the crowd that parted for them like water. They all bowed and some went down to their knees. Julian hopped up the final steps to him and embraced him just before Caemorn was going to bow. He accepted the hug as he always did:awkwardly. They broke apart and Julian went to embrace Balthazar and Christian with ease. Daemon was standing in front of him and Caemorn felt like a deer in headlights. Should he embrace Daemon? Or should he bow again? To hug would likely be too familiar and that--

Daemon embraced him.

Caemorn was very still. He wasn’t sure if it was shock--or ratherjustshock--or if he was afraid that if he moved that Daemon would be offended and end the hug prematurely. Maybe Daemon would never hug him again. Not that he was a hugger. How had he gone from being a ruthless Preceptor to reduced to marshmallow with a single embrace?

Daemon moved back but still kept a hold of his biceps to look at him as if the Vampire King were a proud parent. Caemorn was frozen again. Daemon laughed affectionately and patted his arms.

“I am so excited to see what you will do tonight, Kaly,” Daemon said.

“There is enough power stored here to do it, I believe, for it to be successful,” Caemorn replied.

He stopped himself from hedging. He did not hedge. He would be able to do this.

“It will be. I have faith in you, Kaly,” Daemon told him.

A final squeeze and Caemorn was released. He caught sight of Lisette at that moment. The normal scheming, distrustful, and disdainful expression was missing from her face. Daemon’s actions towards him had stripped away all of her disbelief. He met Daemon’s eye and realized that, again, like with Balthazar,Daemon had done it forhim. Daemon could have let his own actions hang him with his people. He could have let Caemorn crash and burn. But he hadn’t. After everything. He hadn’t.

“You're really going for thatVampirelook for your parents, aren’t you, Julian,” Balthazar stated, taking in the black leather pants, form-fitting shirt and boots. “Or are you trying to be Daemon’s mini-me?”

“Hey! I look good! Some of us don’t want to rock the three-piece suits, Balthazar!” Julian stretched his arms to his sides to show off his attractive, athletic form.

“You look very handsome like always,” Christian said kindly.

“Damn straight! See? My best friend has my back! Caemorn, I look good right?” Julian turned to him.

“Your face is very symmetrical and your body is the favored V-shape, which the close fitting clothes show off,” Caemorn told him.

Balthazar snorted. Christian grinned. Julian laughed.

“See! Another one! You’re outvoted, Balthazar,” Julian said.

“I never said looking like a goth Vampire is bad! But even if your parents didn’t already know you were a Vampire, they would once they caught sight of your outfit,” Balthazar chuckled.

Caemorn felt the Kalys’ amusement with their leaders, but also their eagerness to get inside. He met Daemon’s eyes.

It is up to you if you wish to let them in,Daemon’s mental voice was like a soothing balm.But there are plenty of other places they can be housed until you make your decision.

Thank you, but I have made my decision,Caemorn said.However, I will have Balthazar scan them for bad intent before they enter.

Daemon smiled broadly.These ones are loyal. They are just their normal prickly selves. Get ready for them to want your favor and to bask in your glory.

I dread that,Caemorn said before he could help himself.

Daemon laughed and clasped his shoulder again.