“No, I can see how that wouldn’t serve them well. Not to mention their personalities.” Julian grinned. “I love Balthazar. He’s puckish and irreverent, but I can tell where that could have been seen as arrogance.”

“It was. Being reincarnated was good for Eyros,” Daemon stated. “Not that I wished any bad things upon him. But it has made him kinder, I think. More grounded and responsible. He was rather a laughing god before. Now, he chuckles.”

“He pretends he doesn’t care but it's clear he does a lot,” Julian agreed.

“And Kaly was always dour and quick to reject others before they had a chance to reject them. Or simply not to engage at all,” Daemon pointed out.

“So you matched the extrovert with the introvert?” Julian’s eyebrows lifted.

“Might have.” Daemon lifted an eyebrow and then laughed. “Definitely.”

“It’s like Christian and I a little bit,” Julian stated.

“Yes, very much so. Shall we continue our tour?” Daemon offered his arm.

Julian took it and Daemon led him over to a stairway to the second floor of the suite. The stairwell opened up into what was likely a clothes’ horse’s dream matched with a spa.

There were clotheseverywhere. They were mostly black or white with occasional splashes of crimson and snowy grays. Some clothes were on racks, others were neatly hung up, but even more were sprawled over velvet covered puffs as if Daemon had laid them there as he considered what to wear. Boots of every height from ankle to near mid-thigh--mostly black leather--were stacked in rows. Their rich scent filled Julian’s nostrils. Julian let out a delighted laugh as he saw the floor length wolf fur coat that Daemon was always wearing.

Julian dashed over to it and picked it up before throwing it around himself. “It’s here! How did it get here?”

“Magic,” Daemon chuckled. He cupped Julian’s cheeks. “It looks quite good on you.”

“I feel like a little kid in his dad’s clothes, but it is comfy.” Julian leaned against Daemon’s chest as he looked around at all the other clothes. “Will you wear any of your modern clothes you got?”

“Of course. But aren’t you fond of leather, silk and fur?” Daemon asked.

“I have nothing against it. But you look pretty incredible in a suit,” Julian admitted.

“I will keep that in mind.”

Looking around at the whole floor, which was just filled with all things wonderful and Daemon, Julian quipped, “I don’t think there’s enough space for my things here. We might need another floor.”

“Whatever you want, my Childe,” Daemon murmured.

Julian’s eyebrows rose. “Are you going to dream of another floor for my stuff? Because I don’t have many clothes, but a place to edit and to study would be nice.”

“You can have whatever you want,” Daemon promised him.

Julian felt that familiar--yet would it ever be truly familiar--feeling of being treasured yet slightly alarmed at what Daemon would do for him.

“I need to be careful what I wish for,” Julian said.

“Not in the least. You could not be spoiled,” Daemon assured him as he stroked his fingers down Julian’s neck again.

“Really? Because I’m pretty sure that you giving me anything I want--”

“You hardly ask for anything. I will have to tease out of you like a single string from a garment what you want,” Daemon insisted.

Julian ducked his head. “Believe me, Daemon, when I tell you that having my parents back, my best friend with me forever, andyou, it's more than enough. I don’t need anything else.”

Daemon leaned in and kissed his forehead. “It gives me pleasure to spoil you. So you must let me do it upon occasion. Especially when it comes to making this space your own.”

Julian glanced around some more. Floor to ceiling mirrors studded the place. There was a deep soaking tub installed on the floor. There was also something that looked like a massive shower. There were settees where Daemon could sprawl out, not to mention massage tables.

Julian imagined running his hands over Daemon’s magnificent body and then he imagined Daemon running his large hands over Julian’s body. Both ideas were quite brilliant. Daemon stroked one hand down Julian’s spine and his red eyes smoldered.

“Shall we see the top floor?” Daemon’s voice was smoky.