Balthazar snorted. “Okay, Daemon is magic. That is the only explanation for this.”
“The information in these books though…” Christian bit his lower lip and lowered himself blindly into a chair as he started to read. “It’s not modern. Huh, archeological ruins and… fascinating.”
“Looks like we’ve lost Christian, Meffy.” Balthazar kissed the top of the sleeping kitten’s head.
“Balthazar,” Caemorn said his name so strangely that Balthazar’s head snapped towards the Kaly Vampire.
Caemorn was standing in front of a fireplace. He took a scroll that had been laid on top and sealed with wax. He held it out so Balthazar could see.
“It’s addressed to both of us,” Caemorn said.
In reality, it had their symbols beautifully inked on the scroll. But Balthazar knew that Caemorn was right. It was meant for Eyros and Kaly’s eyes only. Balthazar came over to Caemorn.
“I believe you have to touch it as well in order for the seal to break,” Caemorn murmured.
Balthazar could see the Kaly deathshead with a crown that was glowing. He touched the scroll and the symbol for Eyros flashed red. The wax seal suddenly split open and the scroll unrolled in Caemorn’s hands.
The scroll read:
If you are reading this, it means our insane plan worked and that we are friends. I don’t know which fact is more unbelievable.
Both Caemorn and Balthazar snorted at this. Their gazes met one another and both thensmiled. They looked back down at the scroll and kept reading.
Kaly has just corrected me and they are right that the plan has worked sofar. But there is more to do to return Kaly to wholeness. This task can only be accomplished by the two of us--ofyou--together. And it will require utter trust between you…
Now do you see why my disbelief?
Balthazar felt a chink of light in Caemorn’s mental defenses for a moment. An objection to those words. But it shut down again. He reminded himself of what Christian had said. It was a start. He had to hang onto that. And as he read the scroll further, he realized how necessary that was.
But we have to find a solution. If you are up to the task, here is the way forward…
“What do you think, Julian?” Daemon asked, his breath whispered across Julian’s left ear and his hands rested lightly on Julian’s shoulders.
“What do I think? These are rooms fit for a king!” Julian said as he surveyed the space before him.
“And a prince.” Daemon ran a finger down Julian’s throat.
Julian shivered and his cock hardened. He imagined Daemon’s fangs sinking into his skin rather than just a caress. The pull of his blood into Daemon’s mouth. The thrust of Daemon’s hips against his ass.
Daemon chuckled. “I thought you wanted to look around.”
Julian’s eyes had slid half closed. “I--I do. But wearein our bedroom, yes?”
Another chuckled. “As if we need abed. I actually thought you might like to make love in the pool overlooking Nightvallen. The bed and the pool are on the top floor though.”
“Your--oursuite is three floors? You said that earlier,” Julian asked.
“Yes, this floor is where I greet guests. The second is where I prepare and dress. The third has the bed and pool with a retractable roof so I can gaze up at the stars when it’s notraining,” Daemon admitted. “Though with the Ashyr Bloodline gift I can create a forcefield that keeps the rain off.”
Julian turned in his arms, eyes wide. “Seriously?”
“Yes. That is when I don’t use the Horys Bloodline gift to banish rain clouds and bring about clear night skies,” Daemon answered with a faint smile. Julian could feel Daemon’s pleasure at his amazement at the scope of the gifts. “But I do love a good rainstorm.”
“Me, too,” Julian admitted, feeling a kind of thrill when he heard thunder in the far off distance.
“That storm will arrive later. When we’re ready to sleep,” Daemon told him, answering his question before he asked it. “Look around, Julian. We will make love after you satisfy your curiosity.”