“You are not hurt now?” Caemorn checked.
“I am not. Are you happy?” Balthazar challenged.
“I was always happy,” Caemorn answered.
Balthazar still wasn’t sure, but he said, “Now that this is settled we should--”
“Continue poking around into every nook and cranny?” Caemorn lifted his left eyebrow and there was a faint smile on his lips as he asked this.
Now it was Balthazar’s turn to give a narrow-eyed look. “Yes, I suppose.”
“That is what you wish to do, yes?” Caemorn asked.
“If you do.”
“I wish to see my new home. I like to know everything,” Caemorn answered. “There is something very strange going on here.”
“What do you mean?” Christian asked.
Caemorn continued to walk down the corridor as he answered, “The reason I did not immediately take those rooms had nothing to do with the nearest or farness from the two of you. I intended to choose them if the space was acceptable. It’s because they’re perfect, you see.”
Christian slowly nodded. “I think I know what you mean. You’re afraid its fate?”
Balthazar was going to blurt out he had no idea what they were talking about, but then he did. “You’re still afraid that you’re going to go crazy and evil, aren’t you?”
“I have no problem with being thought evil. That term is morally loaded and it is completely subjective,” Caemorn murmured as he poked his head into one room and then the next.
“Yes, yes, I understand your meaning there. But, Caemorn, don’t you see that if those rooms are fate then it's agoodfate?” Balthazar argued.
Caemorn paused in his poking. “Because it means we’refriends?”
Balthazar nodded. “But more than that. You’re friends with the one person who can read your mind.”
Caemorn turned to stare at him as if daring Balthazar to do just that. Reminding himself of Christian’s caution, he resisted the urge.
“So if I get up to no good--”
“I’ll know,” Balthazar said.
Caemorn stared again, said nothing and proceeded down the hallway. Balthazar and Christian shared a look.
He’s here. That’s a start, Balthazar,Christian said.
So you’ve noticed he’s shut his mind so tight that not a crack of light can get out?Balthazar asked.
He’s dealing with things,Christian said with a shrug.Give it time.
They continued their mostly silent inspection. They were all lovely bedrooms or sitting rooms. Balthazar was already picturing his people within them. He couldn’t wait until the palace was bustling with Vampires. He frowned as, for a moment, he thought he remembered how it had been. Laughing and talking, all ghostly, filled the air and then was gone.
“You don’t… don’t… uhm, remember things, do you, Caemorn?” Balthazar asked.
Caemorn turned and lifted an eyebrow. “About what?”
“Being Kaly. Before,” Balthazar asked.