They strode together through the doors and Julian’s breath caught in his throat. They had entered a domed room. The ceiling was made of glass so he could see the eternal night sky above them. A massive chandelier, sculpted to look like constellations, hung down from the center of the room, casting this remarkable silvery light that reminded Julian of starlight captured illuminated the whole of the room. The floor was that familiar white stone, but an infinity symbol in black mosaic inlay was centered beneath the chandelier. Julian looked at the mark on his wrist happily. They were the only two to have it. They would likely be the only two ever would.

He cast his eyes around them. The walls had inset panels where there were sculptures of creatures from the Ever Dark and beautiful men and women whom he assumed were Vampires or maybe the Immortals as one did look like Seeyr. There were large vases all filled with blood red or white roses. The scent of heady and he drew in deep draughts of it.

Ahead of them was another large staircase, as broad as the doorway behind them that had led into the palace. There was a blood red runner that covered the steps and led up to an arched doorway. Beyond it was another room that had Julian stepping towards it.

Julian squinted as the room was mostly dark. “Is that…”

“The throne room. Come, I want you to see it,” Daemon said softly.

Still arm-in-arm the two of them went up the carpeted steps and walked into the throne room. It was rectangular with the narrow end the entrance and at the far end was the dais.

The moment they set foot into the room, fire whooshed to life along grates that lined the base of the walls. There were morewhooshingsounds as grates ten, twenty, thirty, and forty feet above their heads lit up. The pale white stone was gilded with golden firelight.

The floor was white stone as well, but there was a vine pattern that snaked its way from the entrance of the throne room to the base of the dais. There were “branches” that broke off from the main vine and at the end of each was a symbol for every Bloodline. At the very top, of course, was the infinity symbol. There were then three steps before there were two thrones on the dais.

Julian stared at them with growing confusion. He was surprised that Daemon would have another throne there all this time. He had imagined there would be just one. Daemon was king and the king was Daemon.

The Vampire King made a soft sound and his arm tightened around Julian’s. Julian quickly looked over at him. He was shocked when he saw a single tear trailing down Daemon’s face. The Vampire King was smiling though and a quick touch of his mind told Julian that Daemon was not upset.

He washappy.

Incredibly happy.

Bursting withjoyactually.

“Daemon?” Julian asked uncertainly.

Daemon turned and took both Julian’s hands in his. “You’re wondering about the thrones.”

“Yeah, I thought… well, I thought there’d beone--”

“There was only one when I was last here,” Daemon said, that smile growing even as more tears fell. “But now… there aretwo.”

Julian blinked rapidly. “The Ever Dark… Nightvallen… itadaptsto what you need…”

“And it knows that not only do I need you, but so do our people, Julian,” Daemon stated simply. “The Ever Dark welcomes you home as the Prince.”


Caemorn stared up at the Kaly Palace as he held the Harrows’ soul gems in his right hand and slowly rotated them around his palm like he was a magician about to play a trick. The skeletal bear was curled by his feet. It would remain there when he went inside of the palace, awaiting his return like a faithful dog.

The palace reminded him of ten gothic cathedrals connected to one another. Some were stacked on top of the other. Others were attached to the sides until it formed a jagged half moon. It bristled with narrow, pointed towers, steep arched doorways and closely packed columns like soldiers on parade.

There were statues in niches on every level. Some appeared to be angelic with delicate stone wings and beatific expressions, but there were also creatures from the Ever Dark in all their ferocious glory. If there was a Medusa-like Vampire gift that would turn beings to stone he would have suspected it had been used here. The statues were frighteningly lifelike.

Or just done by the hand of a master. We don’t encourage our people to display their art openly. The ability of one with centuries to perfect their craft is too… apparent.

He realized now that Vampires were revealed to the world that did not need to be a rule any longer. They could become the rockstars and actors so many of them wanted, because the need to hide from the sunlight wouldn’t be an impediment any longer. He was sure there were to be meta-movies: Vampires playing Vampires. There would be stories about Daemon and the other Immortals. The War was sure to be immortalized on the silver screen as well. He wondered if Balthazar would insist on playing himself…

Caemorn shook himself. They needed to stop the humans from attacking them first before they took lead roles in action moves.Fictionalaction movies. He was supposed to be claiming the best rooms here before the other Kaly Vampires arrived. He was tempted to go in and simply ward the whole place. He could then let in only one Kaly Vampire at a time if they proved to be useful to Daemon’s empire and didn’t offend him too much.

But he found himself hesitating outside. He had told Balthazar that he was not afraid of any darkness in this place. That he needed to see it, know it, use it for his own. And he wasn’t afraid. Not exactly. But there was afeeling.

It was so amorphous that he couldn’t even feel the edges of this emotion. He plucked at it. But it would not reveal itself to him. It was like a shadow that covered everything and yet was seemingly made of nothing. For a moment, he considered turning on his heel and simply heading to the Eyros Palace. Balthazar had promised him accommodations--excellent accommodations--so, after a bit of ribbing, he was certain he would be welcome there.

Welcome there…

Balthazar would simply think Caemorn did not wish to stay at the creepy Kaly Palace, and instead wanted company. He imagined settling down there, hearing Balthazar and Christian look around the place, hearing the other Eyros Vampiresexclaim excitedly about their new home in the Ever Dark. There would be fires and wine and blood. He wouldn’t have to speak if he did not wish to.