“You don’t look well. I think you need Dr. Stone.” Sophia sounded alarmed. She cast about until she saw the physician who was also making his way through the soldiers, checking forany wounds. She waved at him frantically while calling his name. “Dr. Stone! Dr. Stone! I think he needs your help.”

The doctor hustled over to the soldier, dropping down onto his haunches beside the young man. He pressed the back of one hand against the soldier’s sweaty forehead and tsked slightly.

“You’re all right, young man. Just in shock. Most of them are,” Dr. Stone said.

“You’re a doc? A Vampire doc?” the soldier asked, face going paler and sweatier as he spoke.

“I’m an Acolyte. A human. Just like you… well, just like all of you will be,” Dr. Stone said with a touch of not exactly sadness, but something like it.

“He fears that we will enslave humanity,” Elgar whispered.

“But we won’t,” Christian sighed.

Elgar said nothing and Christian glanced up at him. He didn’t have to read his thoughts to know that Elgar wasn’t so terribly sure that this wouldn’t be the future for humanity.

Maybe this is what I’m here to do in terms of politics. To remind Daemon with Julian that humanity needs freedom.

“What are you carrying there, Sophia?” Dr. Stone asked, inspecting the tray of drinks she had. “Water? Well, water is good, but whisky would be better.”

“Oh! All right, I’ll go get some.” She frowned and pivoted towards Christian. “Christian, come with me! If I take the good whisky while you’re around Balthazar won’t be so mad at me.”

Christian grinned. “I don’t think he really gets mad at you, Sophia. You convinced him about the cats and all.”

“Well, yes, but that was fate. He and Meffy are in love,” she said solemnly.

Christian blinked. He was really tryingnotto be jealous of the black cat that seemed to get more kisses than him.

I should be glad Meffy is there to distract him at times so I will be able to do my research with Caemorn.

“Yes, well, my statement still stands though I will come with you into the house though I do need to--”

“Go to the dining room where all those military people are!” Sophia’s eyes were shining. “History is being made and you need to be a part of it.”

“Elgar, do you want to join Sophia and I as we make history? Or, at least, watch it?” Christian asked.

But Elgar shook his head. “I must see to things out here. Our King and our Master will need me to Whisper.”

“Right. Well, don’t work too hard.” Christian patted his arm, which made Elgar smile and then he joined Sophia.

She was skipping, but still managed to carry the tray of water without spilling a drop. He couldn’t help but be impressed. He also wondered if she knew about Caemorn.

“Not until you went into Moonfall,” she answered his unasked question.

“How did you know--oh, right, precognition,” he said.

“Once you went there and came back, the future was settled and I could see quite clearly,” she said with a happy nod.

“Will you tell me what’s coming?” he asked despite himself.

“You want to be surprised! Besides, you already have some inklings from Kaly himself what’s coming,” she told him.

They had made it to the french doors into the manor just as Elena was coming out, carrying blankets.

“Oh, Christian! You’re back!” She looked pleased to see him, but then she was biting her lower lip. “Did you and Julian find his parent’s soul gems?”

Christian nodded. “We did.” He paused for a moment and added, “Heath wasn’t there.”

She nodded and lowered her head. “Well, that’s to be expected.”