“No way! No way! No way!” One of the humans screamed and there was a thunking sound.
“Now really, my fledgling did tell younotto lift your gun so I had to take it away from you.” There was a snap and clatter. “Now I had to break it too.”
“Shoot them with the stakes in the heart! In the heart!” Another soldier shouted.
“That’s not very friendly,” Balthazar tsked. “I think I shall have to make you do a jig. What do you say, Christian? A jig or perhaps some kind of salsa dance?”
“He’s making us seem ridiculous,” Caemorn sighed. “We need to appear as the Lords of the Night that we are.”
“That’s Balthazar for you. He is our king’s jester,” Fiona said with another shake of her head. “I’m just going to teleport and grab some guns. I really don’t want anyone shot tonight. Join me, Arcius?”
“I think that’s quite a good idea,” Arcius said as they laced their fingers together.
“What about you, Caemorn? Want to get in on this?” Fiona asked.
Caemorn shook his head. “I have something else planned. Go along.”
Caemorn had already taken out some soul gems and he started murmuring something to them. There was a groaning sound as the earth erupted and animal skeletons climbed out of the ground: wolves, bears, foxes and more. This army of skeletal animals turned as one with eyes glowing blue-white and started towards the humans. Immediately, there were screams and shots were fired.
“Better get those guns, guys!” Julian suggested.
Fiona and Arcius disappeared.
“Will you be all right, Caemorn? Julian and I are going to go see some humans who think they are in charge. You may come with us if you like,” Daemon offered.
But two bear skeletons lumbered up to Caemorn and the Kaly Vampire patted their dirty skulls. “Oh, I think I am going to have somefun, too. I must stop Balthazar from making us ridiculous.”
“Of course.” Daemon grinned.
“Good luck with that, Caemorn,” Julian chuckled. “Balthazar is intent on having a good time.”
“Indeed. Then I have my work cut out for me. Julian. My king.” Caemorn bowed gracefully and then he and the skeletal animals went towards the humans.
Daemon offered Julian his arm. Julian took it. They began to saunter out themselves.
“Where are the leaders?” Julian asked.
“There are commanders on the ground, which are located in several vans a few blocks away, but, of course, there are the people above them that are being reported to in the downtown police department and then there are the people--”
“So are we going to take out all of them?” Julian was laughing a little and shaking his head.
“We will start with those locally and then we will make the others come to us… in Nightvallen, I think,” Daemon explained.
“Nightvallen? That’s fantastic! That will definitely amaze them,” Julian cried.
There was only the slightest unease in his fledgling at the thought of Nightvallen. He understood why. That was where Julian had lost his First Life.
“You will come to love it in time. All of the memories you have of it now, will be overwritten,” Daemon assured him.
Julian touched where his parents’ soul gems were. “Yeah, especially with Mom and Dad and Christian and everybody to see it all with us.”
“Yes.” He placed another kiss on Julian’s temple. “Indeed it shall be wonderful.”
“I love you, Daemon,” Julian said as he cuddled tighter against him.
“And I love you, Julian.”
Daemon moved the pushes to the side for them to easily slide through. None of the humans noticed them as they had other things going on. There was Caemorn with his skeleton animals that had some of the soldiers literally turning and fleeing.