“I sense your parents’ souls. You have the gems?” Caemorn asked.
Julian nodded. “I want to hang onto them until you’re ready to bring them back.”
“Of course.” Caemorn bowed. “I am curious about many things.”
“Like I said, Christian and I will tell you everything that happened,” Julian stated simply. “I promise.”
“We don’t have time for twenty questions right now, Caemorn! Though you’ll be telling me, too, Julianm” Balthazar said. He pointed through the hedge towards where there was a street that led straight towards the manor. “In a few minutes, we’re going to have guests.”
“You look so pleased about that,” Fiona said as she teleported into the midst of them with Arcius.
Balthazar jumped. “Aieee! Fiona! Don’t sneak up on us like that!”
“How am I supposed to announce myself and not startle you? You’ve become like your cat,” Fiona said with a shake of her head. “Oh, wait, your cat has fallen asleep.”
“Bah! The humans are coming, yes?” Balthazar asked as he touched Meffy’s black, sleeping body.
Arcius, who was chuckling, after recovering from the teleportation. “Yes, there’s quite a few of them. Two dozen black vans. I was able to locate over 100 heartbeats. They should be showing up quite soon. Oh, King Daemon, I didn’t see youthere.” Arcius quickly bowed low and Daemon waved him up. “Will you be leading this encounter?”
Daemon though shook his head. “Not altogether. I want the rest of you to enjoy yourselves, though, remember no deaths. I will take care of their commanders with Julian. Balthazar, ready the people. It’s time.”
“We have Vampires here from every Bloodline,” Balthazar said. “They’ve been gathering all night. They’re listening to me.”
“I love how you sound so surprised,” Caemorn remarked dryly.
Balthazar scowled at him. “Of course, they listen to me! I’m just… just saying… I don’t know what I’m saying!”
“You never do,” Fiona said with a laugh.
“Guys, I think our uninvited guests have arrived,” Julian said and pointed beyond the hedge to the road.
At that moment, the vans that Arcius had described appeared at the end of the street. Their headlights were out and they were moving at speed. Though clearly roomier than Balthazar’s sleek, elegant sports cars, they still reminded Daemon, uncomfortably, of his tomb. He was truly done with small spaces.
Balthazar’s mind voice echoed in Daemon’s head as he sent the order out to all of the Vampires,People, the guests are arriving! I repeat the guests are arriving. Let’s have some fun. But no deaths! Remember, King Daemon doesn’t want any deaths!
The vans fanned out as they reached the gates to Ravenscroft Manor and screeched to a halt. The back doors of the vans flew open as men and women in all black and bristling with weapons flowed out of them like water. They immediately began to spread out in a coordinated pattern. There were other vans pulling up on streets all around the manor. But Daemon could feel the minds of over a hundred Vampires surrounding the estate. Ready and waiting and eager for the hunt.
Christian let out a soft laugh as he saw something swinging in front of one of the humans’ chests. “They have crucifixes and holy water around their necks.”
“I know!” Balthazar giggled. “Should we pretend it affects us at first and thenbam! Take them down? Like a gotcha thing? Will they pray, do you suppose?”
Balthazar was so giddy that he was practically doing a little dance. Christian just sighed. Fiona shook her head in amazement.
“We really shouldn’t use their religion against them, Balthazar,” Arcius said repressively.
“Don’t be a spoilsport, Arcius! C’mon, let’s go have some fun, Christian!” Balthazar grabbed his Childe’s arm and pulled him through the bushes towards the humans. Daemon heard him say out loud to the soldiers, “Well, hello there! Would you like to douse me with holy water?” When someone cursed and fumbled for their holy water, he heard Balthazar say, “Most excellent! Oh, yes, get that crucifix out! Press it against my forehead! Is there any burning? No, how disappointing!”
There was a splashing noise and someone yelling, “Hands up! Get your goddamned hands up!”
“They know we’re here!” Someone squealed. “The Vampires know!”
“Of course, we do!” Balthazar laughed. “We’re Vampires! We actually have ones that can see the future, but we just heard you coming in our minds. Yep, we can read minds. I know what you’re thinking right now. Tell him, Christian!”
Christian sighed. “He’s thinking that he should have gone to church more often. And that he shouldn’t have been so dismissive of his mother saying the rosary.”
The soldier whose mind had been read squealed, “How--how do you--you--”
“Your mother’s name is Rosa, by the way. And you really should go visit her more often,” Christian answered with another sigh. “Please put that gun down. You’ll just end up hurting yourself.”