“Julian didn’t want to leave you and I didn’t want to leave Balthazar,” Christian said. “But it was essential we did, especially considering what we found out andwhowe found there.”

Julian nodded vigorously and a smile tugged at his lips. “Y-yeah, this is sort of going to blow your mind.”

“Is it?” Daemon tilted his head to the side, now very tempted to find out what they had discovered. Knowledge was on the tip of his tongue. But he held back.

Julian put his hands on Daemon’s chest. His fledgling felt how fragile he had been, how near to destruction. Julian’s eyes were filled with concern and the warmth of his hands felt like a benediction. “Wearesorry. Leaving you was…”

“The only choice you could make,” Daemon repeated. “No more apologizing. You must tell me. What have you found out?”

That smile bloomed to life on Julian’s face again, but this time full on. “I’ve got my parents.”

He pulled out the soul gems like an exhibit. Daemon touched the cloth pouch and felt the Harrows’ life forces within them. He smiled and nodded. “Yes, yes, so good to feel them again. I remember them.”

Julian’s eyes were dancing with even greater amusement and excitement again as he said, “And I’m pretty sure that Caemorn can actually bring them back, because Caemorn is--”

“Kaly,” Daemon finished and let out a chuckle.

Of course, he is.

“You knew?!” Julian goggled as well as looking a little crestfallen. He shouldn’t have stolen Julian’s thunder but it had just burst out of him.

“Not until this moment. But Ishouldhave when he said he could bring your parents back and meant it,” Daemon explained. “A fledgling cannot do more than a Master, and certainly not more than an Immortal Master.”

Julian nodded his head as a broad smile crossed his lips. “Yeah! That totally makes sense! And that means he really can bring them back. I really will get them back!”

Daemon nodded. “Yes, I felt he was telling the truth then. Now I know he was.”

“He is not aware, King Daemon, of who he really is,” Christian quickly got out. “He has no idea. But there’s more than that! Eyros, Seeyr and Kaly all got together when the war was raging, trying to stop it. His other selves--”

Daemon held up a hand and patted Christian’s cheek. “It’s all right, Christian. I know. I can hear your thoughts loud and clear. Making Kaly whole again will be ourfirst… hmmm, wait a moment.”

Daemon stopped as he heard Balthazar’s mind voice in his head.

… they have crosses! Holy water! They even have crossbows that shoot wooden stakes!Balthazar was sending to him with a hysterical tint of laughter in his mind's voice.The US government believes in Vampires! How unexpectedly delightful!

Balthazar, Christian and Julian are--

Back! Yes, I know and I can feel their minds. That’s why I’m not completely out of my mind,Balthazar answered.Now I can actually just be half mad and enjoying this upcoming crazy conflict with the FBI, CIA, and some other black ops US military personnel! Exciting!

Daemon snorted.You need to be resting, not playing with the US military.

Oh, come now, we finally can show ourselves! I want to have some fun,Balthazar sulked.

The three of us shall be back shortly, Balthazar. Do nothing too foolish,Daemon told him.

Tell the boys that they are in a lot of trouble. That we’re going to punish them for this!Balthazar said, but not in a serious way.

Balthazar, I can hear you,Christian said with a repressive look.And I see the image you have in your mind of spanking me.

Julian was smirking even as he had a hand up over his eyes as if to block the mental images.Yeah, we call all hear and see that image. I can’t really wipe it from my mind.

I thought you were both dead! And I nearly killed Caemorn for it!Balthazar whined.You have no idea how upset we were!

You didn’t really hurt Caemorn, did you?Christian’s eyes flickered between him and Julian in alarm.

Just squeezed him a little,Balthazar said with a touch of guilt.But I apologized! He explained his reasoning. But the man needs to stop being a martyr! I would never have thought it of him, but he really has this complex about taking on responsibility that isn’t his. He just needs to explain himself!

Julian and Christian smiled at each other as Julian said, wryly,Yeah, well, he’s got sort of a history with this.