“Yes,” Caemorn’s voice was soft.
“You feel the same way,” Christian said gently.
“I--I am not King Daemon’s friend,” Caemorn replied carefully and fussed with his robes.
“Are you sure about that?” Christian gazed keenly at Caemorn.
Caemorn’s forehead furrowed. “I cannot see why he would be friendly with me other than to ensure I try and bring the Harrows back.”
“It’s not just about that, Caemorn,” Christian said. “I know you’ve been taught to see everything as transactional, but people aren’t really like that. Well, most people. Daemon isn’t like that. He’s giving you a second chance. If you didn’t mean more to him than a way to get the Harrows back he wouldn’t let you be free like this. He wouldn’t have encouraged your friendship with Balthazar.”
“Perhaps you are right. We see least of what is right in front of us.” Caemorn tossed his patrician head back. “But back to the important bit. You shouldn’t hide your feelings from Balthazar, in my opinion. He won’t appreciate it and it isn’t good for you.”
“I will take it under advisement.” Christian though knew he would not put more of a burden on Balthazar. He would keep it to himself.
And seeing Balthazar admit that he wasn’t up to going head-to-head with Kaly at that moment confirmed his decision. This fragility had definitely made him announce their findings to Julian and Daemon prematurely. Balthazar wanted to act himself, but knew he could not so he had gone directly to the person who could act.
“Was he truly still inside of Julian when you started talking?” Caemorn asked.
Balthazar gave a little smile. “Ah, yes. They were still… Well, it was definitely the aftermath, but yes. I couldn’t take the chance of them starting round two, you see.”
“You could have contacted him telepathically,” Christian pointed out.
“No, no, when he’s deep in the moment with Julian, other than his broader senses, he’s quite shut off. So barging in was the only way,” Balthazar explained.
At that moment, there was a soft knock at the door. Christian sensed Fiona there. He opened it
“I’ve brought Artemis here from Solace. He’s in the cells. Arcius and Elgar have made sure the lock you put on his mind is still intact, Balthazar,” Fiona said.
“It is impressive that you still have control of him,” Caemorn murmured. “You were very near your Second Death and were unconscious for part of the time.”
“I’m using a lot of strength to keep it there.” Balthazar shrugged as if to dilute the power of that comment.
Christian’s concern skyrocketed for a moment. Could Balthazar fully recover if he was feeding most of his strength in keeping Artemis-Kaly under control? Balthazar cast a sharp look at him, having felt that spike. Christian practiced the lessons he’d learned from counselors to breathe, accept and release his emotions. He sought for that emptied out feeling when he had cleared himself of unwanted anxiety. Balthazar’s eyes were narrowed at him. Caemorn noisily cleared his throat, letting Christian know, again, that he should share his feelings.
“Thank you, Fiona,” Balthazar said. “I really appreciate all you’ve done.”
She lifted an eyebrow. “You’re welcome. And I… well, I appreciate what you’ve done too.”
The door to Julian and Daemon’s bedroom opened and the two Vampires came out with wet hair and looked, generally, refreshed. Julian immediately walked over to Christian with shining eyes. Christian’s heart twisted a little at the hope he saw there.
“Do we know where they are? Do we really know where my parents are?” Julian sounded breathless.
“We know their last general location. We need Daemon to look into Artemis’ mind and confirm where they are exactly,” Christian answered carefully. He took Julian’s hand. “I don’t want you to get too excited. There’s still so much we don’t know.”
Julian nodded, but that broad, hopeful smile was still on his best friend’s face so he doubted that Julian was really discounting anything. “I understand. But I know how careful you and Caemorn are. You wouldn’t have said so much as you have if you weren’t pretty sure.”
Christian’s eyes slid to Balthazar who had the sense to look a little ashamed.
“I really just didn’t want to waste any time in confirming or denying what Christian and Caemorn discovered,” Balthazar said. “If this is anything other than a success, the blame is mine. Completely. Utterly. No one else’s.”
“You take too much upon yourself, Balthazar,” Daemon said as he came over and tickled Meffy under the chin.
The battle cat purred so loudly that it likely could be heard in the hallway. Balthazar gave a wan smile.
“I need there to be some good that comes from this,” Balthazar admitted. “Kaly has truly made things… well, they have messed things up.”
“Kaly is all about change. But they have given us opportunities we might not have had until much later, my friend.” Daemon put a hand on Balthazar’s left shoulder and squeezed. Christian thought he might scratch his Master under the chin, too as it had such a calming effect on Meffy. “You must not lose confidence in yourself. You faced off against two Immortals at once. And they were the ones that know you best of all.”