Cameras were suddenly pointed at the front doors. Reporters were now breathlessly reporting that the “flash zombie mob” included the luminaries like the mayor, judges, lawyers, doctors and the simply rich.
One female reporter recognized one of the women who was pressed against the glass. “That is Lucinda Gordon! I don’t understand… her face… her nose is being… omg it’s breaking! There’s blood! The glass is shattering!”
“We need to let those people out!” One of the officers called and he and another female officer raced up to the doors.
The Acolytes had lost control when people’s faces were being crushed against glass. The officers were tugging on the doors, but Daemon’s use of the Ashyr gift kept those doors shut. But the glass was cracking and soon he would have to be holding back the bodies of the dead.
“My God! What is happening in there? The people in the front are being crushed! They have to be saved!” another reporter shouted.
The glass was a smear of blood as the press continued unrelentingly.
“Ah, Julian is going to be so upset. You must tell him that you intended this to be the time,” Seeyr broke into his reverie.
Daemon turned back to his fledgling. Julian and Christian had taken down two dozen of the dead but more were boiling up after them. There were simply too many to move around them, no matter how fast.
So Julian teleported.
And that was caught on film. And no one, absolutely no one who was there, would believe that was a practical effect.
“It’s time, Daemon,” Seeyr said. “Time to show the world who we are and who you are.”