Kurtz moved to touch Balthazar’s form when Caemorn heard a faint moan from Artemis. He had totally forgotten about him.
“Wait!” Caemorn shouted. He dashed over and picked up Kaly’s body and brought him over to Balthazar’s side. “Now, take us all.”
Just before they teleported, Caemorn released the creature. The body toppled over. He would come back for it later. Right now he needed all of his focus. Kurtz gripped the three of them and there was that sickening lurch as they teleported. They were not in the same area that they had left from, but by the dormitories where the humans were being kept.
“Teleport him,” Caemorn indicated to Artemis, “into the dungeon beneath the Spire. Do it quickly.”
Kurtz nodded with alacrity. He and the still unconscious Kaly disappeared. Caemorn then picked up Balthazar, cradling the other Vampire in his arms, and stormed into the dormitory. He marched over to the first room that contained a human. She stood up nervously.
“You need to feed him. All you can give,” Caemorn told her.
She gave a brief nod. He set Balthazar on the bed. But he didn’t step back. Instead, he kept a hand on Balthazar’s shoulder and… reached for his soul. Balthazar’s head shot towards him. Their eyes met and Caemorn felt Balthazar read every thought in his head. A widening of Balthazar’s eyes was followed by a faint smile.
“This is why…” Balthazar’s voice was whispery soft as the woman offered his wrist to him.
“What is why?” Caemorn asked.
Balthazar licked papery dry lips. “Daemon knew…”
“That we… oh, God, I cannot believe I’m saying this--”
“You are always talking. You need to feed. This conversation can--”
“That we need each other,” Balthazar interrupted him.
Caemorn froze. He thought of what he had said to Kurtz, about Balthazar being his Blood Brother, about his own desperation to keep Balthazar alive. He hadn’t once thought of being blamed for Balthazar’s death or of any glory he’d receive by saving the other Vampire. No, he had just… wanted to save him. Had to save him.
Balthazar drew the woman’s wrist to his lips and started to drink. Caemorn fed some of his own energy into Balthazar to anchor his soul more firmly in his body.
In his mind, he heard Balthazar say, Daemon really is king.
To bring us together? Caemorn snorted. He really is a god.