
Julian touched the empty air where Daemon had just been. Teleporting was so strange. Watching someone he loved disappear hit a place inside of him that was still sore even though Caemorn had said he could bring his parents back. But if such a thing was beyond Kaly, how could Caemorn do it?

He shook himself. Now was not the time to think about that. Daemon had gone to confront Kaly without him. Part of him understood that he would just get in Daemon’s way while another part wanted to be right by Daemon’s side.

Meet with Arcius, my fledgling. Keep out of sight of the humans. I will return to you soon, Daemon’s voice ghosted through his mind like a caress.

Where are you? What is this Well of All Souls?Julian asked, even as he gave a mental nod as to the rest.

Just outside of the Spire. Kaly has attacked our friends there,Daemon explained and a flurry of images came over their bond.

Are they going to be all right?Julian asked as he saw the seemingly lifeless bodies before Daemon.

Seeing Christian’s body like that had his heart lurching in his chest, but then his best friend blinked and came “alive” again. His heart rate decreased. Christian was okay.

Yes, be not afraid. I will handle this,Daemon promised him.

I take it that they didn’t get my parents’ soul gems?Julian realized.

Not yet. But we will. They did find something very interesting,Daemon told him.

Julian tried not to be disappointed or afraid for his parents. He had faith in Daemon and the others.

I wish you had taken me with you,Julian said, hearing a little mulishness in his voice.

Yes,Daemon answered simply, acknowledging Julian’s desire, but not apologizing for leaving him behind. It was hard to argue with him when he was so transparent like this. You must concentrate on getting out of the museum, Julian.

Julian hardly thought that would be a problem. He could simply walk out one of the back doors.

Though there will be more cameras there. Not to mention the police have probably surrounded the building,Julian realized and checked the video feeds on the monitors. There were, in fact, officers surrounding the entire building. Damn, how am I going to get out of this?

Consider it a challenge, Julian,Daemon said with a hint of laughter in his tone. Try some of your gifts.

You aren’t afraid of me getting caught? You trust me to do this on my own?Julian’s eyebrows rose.

You are very clever. But if you need me, I will be there,Daemon assured him.

And Julian realized that Daemon would abandon his fight against Kaly to come back and save him. But Julian could not allow that to happen. No way. No how. He would figure out how to do this himself.

Don’t worry. I can take care of myself. Before you, Christian and I were dodging local law enforcement, crazed cultists, angry farmers--

I cannot wait to hear of your adventures,Daemon did laugh this time.

Only if you tell me some of your war stories,Julian said.

It is a deal. Now--

I’ll focus on getting out of here so you can focus on Kaly,Julian finished for him.

Excellent, my fledgling. I am with you. Always,Daemon said.

The bond winnowed down so that whatever was going on with Daemon and his friends would not distract Julian from his own task of exiting the museum without being seen or having to hurt anyone. He cast one more look at the security system. He knew it would have recorded everything that night, including him and Daemon surviving the sudden deaths that swept over the others, not to mention, Daemon using a few gifts. He’d just have to trust House Wynter’s spies to deal with it. He would alert them to it as soon as he met up with one of them.

Speaking of allies, I wonder if any are here yet? That might help me get an idea of which direction to go in any case,Julian mused.

Julian did not search the security video feeds to try and find a blurry image of Arcius among the crowds of police encircling the perimeter, though he had no doubt that with the Eyros gift that Arcius could have been standing in the middle of everything in his Order robes with no one thinking the better of it. He closed his eyes as Daemon had taught him and sent out his senses to find Arcius’ mind instead.